Once you have cleared out the main atrium of the City Hall and survived all three invading waves of enemies, it’s time to search for items and ammo. Look in the back corner of the room to find the ammo in a locker. Grab some and refill all of your weapons, or swap out your gun for that of one of the dead soldiers. You can find several Green Herbs in this room if you or your squad is injured. The first is behind the stairs to the right. The second is at the top of the main staircase in the room, perched by the railing. While you are on the top floor, search the area by the Green Herb to find Intel. You can also find more Intel on the file cabinet next to the doorway that you originally entered the room from.
Now that you are all ready, leave the City Hall through the doorway on the ground level, behind the pillars and around the hallway to the left. When you enter the next room, take cover immediately. The columns in front of the door make for a good spot. A Spec Ops team will be walking through this area soon. When they get into range, pop out from cover and take them all out in a fast burst of fire. When all of the enemies are dead, run towards the waypoint at the end of the corridor to the side of the arena. Along the way, search to your right on the column to find a piece of Intel. Look to the ground near the doors to find piles of ammo. Reload your weapons and open the door.
You will be walking right into an ambush. Take cover to either the left or right position by the door, and if you are playing online, have your squad take up positions on the opposite side. Kill the enemy all the way across the room, in the center of the wall, first. From here, if you are playing online, split your team up and wipe both of your squads across the sides of the room, killing the various enemies on either side. If you are playing by yourself, simply flank around to the side by the file cabinets and kill the enemies carefully. After the battle, search the room. There are four different pieces of Intel scattered around this room on the tables. Pick them up and examine the Laptop to the side of the room on the table. Alternately, you can wait until you beat the next checkpoint and return here, where you will have more Intel gathered up and you will get a bigger experience bonus.