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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Lights Out Part 2: Explosive Zombies

After you kill all of the zombies in the cafeteria, proceed through the double doors in the back of the cafeteria. As you run to go through them, a new enemy type will emerge. A group of zombies with explosives embedded in their bodies will rush out. You can distinguish these zombies from normal enemies by the pulsating red lights under their skin. Naturally, you don’t want these enemies to get close to you. If they do, the proximity mines under their skin will detonate, dealing heavy damage to you and tossing you onto your back. Clever players can use these zombies against their allies, though. If they are clumped together as a group, you can take out multiple zombies at once by shooting the red mines in their bodies, detonating the mines prematurely. Watch out if you don’t hit the mine and you end up killing the zombie normally, though. The mines have been set to detonate after their host dies. A few beeps will serve to warn you of the impending explosion. Dive away to avoid it.

You will want to begin this battle by backing away from the double doors, because if you are caught in the series of explosions that will result from standing by the doors, you will probably die. Hit the zombies with your Assault Rifle from a decent range to detonate as many of the enemies as you can. Stay back from the explosive enemies and wipe them out first. Then, wipe up the rest of the zombies in the area and proceed through the double doors. When you get into the next room, loot the Green Herbs from the room to heal. You will find Intel on the table in this room, and First Aid Spray, Frag Grenades, and piles of ammo on the shelves and floor. The next door will lead you to a room with a few more goodies.

Head through the door in the back of the area and search this room to find another piece of Intel. Head past the desk to encounter more of the new explosive zombies. As before, hit the mines under their skin before they can get too close to you. Clear out the room, and then search the area to find another piece of Intel. Turn around after picking it up, and return to the nurse’s station to find a Laptop on the desk. Upload all of the Intel you have collected so far to the Laptop to get a nice pile of experience.