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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Lights Out Part 3: Black Keycard

After uploading your Intel to the Laptop in the nurse’s station, head through the door at the back of the area to reach the waiting room. Walk through the waiting room, scavenging ammo from the floor if you need it, and proceed through the doorway into the ER. As you approach the door in the back corner of the ER, you will receive a message on the upper corner of the screen telling you that you need to collect the Black Keycard in order to proceed further into the building. Luckily, the Black Keycard isn’t far away at all.

Simply turn around and head through the door to the left to reach the center room in the ER. Search on one of the red medical boxes to find the Black Keycard glowing in a medical tin. Grab it and proceed back to the door to unlock it. When you open the door, look to the ceiling. Lickers will emerge from little holes in the ceiling and begin to attack you. Fire into the ceiling to stun the lickers and make them fall to the ground. Either stomp on them when they hit the floor or unload clips of ammo into them, killing them quickly. Proceed through the door and look to your right to find more enemies attacking. This time, though, they will be bomb zombies. More lickers will be hiding in the ceilings above them, too.

Immediately shoot the explosives hidden underneath of the bomb zombies’ skin, sending the room up in flames and hopefully bringing the lickers down from the ceiling as well. This should stun some of the lickers, so shoot them while they’re downed. Then, kill any remaining lickers who were lucky enough to remain in the ceiling during your attack. Watch out for their tongues, though, because they can stretch a great distance. Once you have cleared the area of enemies, head inside to find three pieces of Intel scattered about the room. There will also be a Green Herb on the floor, and a Stun grenade on the ground in a little alcove in the back of the room. As you near the end of the room, another group of the explosive zombies will emerge from the door. Back away and shoot them quickly. If the explosion didn’t take out the trip mines on the door, shoot those as well and get ready to proceed.