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Armored Core 5 Walkthrough Part 12: Order 10

This Order will be another battle against a single, tough AC opponent. He will be from the Migrant faction just like the others. Your enemy this time will be called AC Sky High. As the briefing before the level states, Sky High is a reverse jointed AC that likes to attack at close range. To this end, Sky High is equipped with a Laser Rifle and a Shotgun. What the briefing won’t tell you is that, while the Shotgun is highly effective up close, the Laser Rifle is capable of dealing fairly heavy damage from medium range as well, making this AC especially dangerous. Sky High will try to launch diversionary mid-range attacks using the Laser Rifle before charging in close for close range Shotgun attacks. This AC is also incredibly speedy. It possesses the ability to take great leaps across the battlefield, and it can hover in mid-air for longer than most ACs. This high maneuverability is offset by Sky High’s low durability. If you can get a bead on this crafty enemy, you can probably take him down.

Heavier ACs may want to enlist the help of a mercenary AC for this battle. Every little bit helps, and if you are too heavy, Sky High will run circles around you while you struggle to catch him in your lock on radius. At least your heavy armor will be able to shield you from most of the enemy’s attacks. If you are playing as a lighter AC, you may be able to keep up with Sky High for long enough to get a lock-on.

As you begin this battle, AC Sky High will live up to his name by taking flight and attacking. Boost across the bridge to engage him. Again, watch out for the water beneath the bridge. If you sink into it, you’re as good as dead because your mobility will be decreased further while underwater, making you an even easier target for Sky High. The enemy will boost and jump around the battlefield so quickly that it’s almost impossible to keep up with him in anything but the fastest of ACs. If you can, score a lock on and start firing back with Chainguns or Homing Missiles. Eventually, Sky High will have to come to a very brief rest on the ground. This is where heavier ACs will have a chance to strike. Quickly boost over to him and use a high-damage weapon. Ideally, hit him up close with the Shotgun as you move in to strike with an Energy Blade. One strike from the Energy Blade, coupled with a Shotgun blast or two, will be enough to destroy Sky High’s weak armor.