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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 41 – Region 66 and Bathus Citadel

Tales of Graces Walkthrough Part 41 – Region 66 and Bathus Citadel

Region 13
Stop at the nearby Save Point for the skit, “Sophie's Parents”. Now head Southwest down to the main path. Next, turn south at the following Save Point to make toward the your destination. When you hit the next intersection, turn North and go East at the top to reach Region 66.

Region 66
Head East to start. Pause at Save Point you reach shortly after to access the skit, “Your Bird Could not Be Completed”. Continue East after that to reach the first intersection. Head North here to find a pair of chests. The one has 2 Life Bottles inside it and the other has an Ancient Cloth. Now head back to the Main Path and continue East, turning North when you need to. Just as you do, keep an eye on the Western side to find a chest with an Elixir inside it. At the next intersection, start going and keep going to the East. Follow this path to its end to find a large stone you can investigate for the “Unsettling Garden” Discovery, a Lump of Clay and the skit, “A World Run Dry”. Also note the chest by the Garden has 2 bowls of Rice inside it. Be sure to around just below it for a potential Sparkling Point.

Time to head back to the West, taking the second Northern Path. Head to the Western branch of this path to find 2 Natto and an Amazing Bone. Head to the Northern Fork of it for an Emperor's Claw. Do note that en route to the chests there can be a Sparkling Spot here. The same is true for the Northern fork of this area as well.

With all that collected, head South then go up the Middle Northern Path. Keep an eye on the Eastern side of this path for a potential Sparkling Point. Continue along this path to the Gold Star. Examine the star to receive a Broken Brooch and for Sophie to receive the “Stirred from Detachment” title. Head just a bit to the Northeast to find the next Save Point. Head across from it to find a chest with 4680 gald inside it. Talk with the Humanoid by the Warp if you need to restock your items or refill your Eleth Mixer. Now use the Warp to reach Bathus Citadel.

*Note, if you return to the Save Point after visiting Bathus Citadel, you can access the skit, “Fodra's Ultimate Weapon”.

Bathus Citadel
Head on through to the East. Just inside the second room you will find a chest with a Monocle inside it. Now head to the East and interact with the block across from the chest. After the first move, you can access the skit, “Intruder Defense”.

Block Puzzle 1
Move the upper block right once
Move the lower block right twice

Continue to the East to reach Floor 2.

Floor 2
Head East to reach the second room. There is a Block Puzzle inside this room and needs to be solved.

Block Puzzle 2
Move to the Front

Head forward to the lower door to get on through. There you will find an Hourglass. Now head back to the Puzzle and go through the door above it. Head to the East to reach the next room. Head to the North and use the elevator to reach Floor 3

Floor 3
Head to the East to get started on this floor. Turn to the South when you can and follow this path to Floor 4. Head East 1 room and collect the chest there with a Decaying Sword inside it. Now return to Floor 3 and go East there. In the second room, collect the chest nearby the door for a Mastery Tonic C. Time to deal with the next Block Puzzle

Block Puzzle 3
Move the Block Left 2 times

After you move the block, you trigger the skit, “Easy Enough”. Head into the room to the East of this one. Take the lift to the North up to the next level.

Floor 3-4
Head West into the next room and another Block Puzzle

Block Puzzle 4
Red Blocks: Push to the Right
Yellow Blocks immediately to the left: Move to the Right
Yellow Blocks, in the back: Move to the Front

Head through the door in the Northwestern corner now. Inside this smaller part of the level, you can investigate the Golden Emblem nearby. It adds the “Military Insignia” as a discovery and the skit, “My Responsibility”. Head back through the door and go through the next door to the North. On the other side of the door awaits another Block Puzzle. Head to the West first and collect the chest to get the “Book of Fortune”. This book doubles the success rate of generating items from the Eleth Mixer.

Block Puzzle 5
Yellow Blocks: Move Left 2
Blue Blocks: Move Right 3

With the blocks moved, head through the door above the Blue Blocks in the second half of the room. Open the chest there to collect 3 Panacea Bottles. Now head  to the South on this half of the room. Head over to the East and take the lift behind the Projector up.

Floor 5
Head through the door to the North of the lift. On the other side, up the chest to receive a Strange Gear. Now head to the East, all the way. Take the elevator up to Floor 6 and go West. In this room you will find some Debonaire Dandy for Malik. Now return to Floor 5 and the Green Blocks in the first room. This Block Puzzle seems to be spread through a few rooms.

Block Puzzle 6
Green Blocks: Move Left 3

Head West into the next room and go South. In this room, open the chest to receive 4400 gald. Head through to the second half of the room.
Green Blocks: Left 3 times

Head back into the second half of the room and take the lift up.

At the top of the lift head over to the West into the other half of the room.
Front Yellow Blocks: Back 1

Head through to the North door beyond them. Inside this room, to the East of the door, you can find 750 units of Eleth. Examine the chest on the pillar for the discovery, “Amarcian Key” and the skit, “It's Gotta Fit Somewhere”.

Bottom Yellow Blocks: Right 1
Top Yellow Blocks: Left 1

Head back into the room to the South and go East, out onto the Green Bridge here in the Eastern-half of the room. Head North into the next room.

There is a Save Point to the right of where the 2 bridges meet. Being close to the Save Point also lets you access the skit, “If Anyone Can Do It ...”. Now head to the North and into the next room. You have a scene and a longish fight against numerous humanoids. This followed by a second cutscene with Pascal doing what she does best, building. Following that scene, everyone gets a new title:
Asbel – Enlightened Swordsman
Sophie – Protos Heis
Hubert – Enlightened Gunner
Cheria – Enlightened Healer
Malik – Enlightened Bladeranger
Pascal – Enlightened Shotstaff

With all of this done, use the nearby warp to level the facility.