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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 42 – Lambda's Cocoon

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 42 – Lambda's Cocoon

Region 66
Head West to reach Region 13. Stop at the Save Point before Reion 13 for the skit, “A New Kind of Terror”.

Region 13
Head West toward Telos Astue. Stop at the Save Point just before the Warp to Telos and you can access the skit, “Show Me Your Resolve!”. This will pit Asbel against Malik. If you lose, you can trigger the skit, “Nothing but Talk” to fight Malik again until you win

Weakness: Human

More than any other time, it is important to side step his attacks. Most can be avoided by moving in closer to him. Keep moving, especially if the spell glyph appears beneath you. This will help you avoid most of the damage. Be careful as Malik will heal at times during this fight. He is not going easy on you at all. If you are having a lot of trouble, try to pull off an Eleth Burst and use a Mystic Arte on him to quickly end the battle.

After the fight Malik will earn the title “Inveterate Teacher”.

Telos Astue
Head over to the Save Point by the Inn for the skit, “Someone Has a Secret”. Head down to Basement 1 and go into the the Western House to find Psi again. Talk with him to start a short side quest to find a power supply for a machine in that room. Head out into the Main area of Basement 1 and go to the Northeastern part of it. There you will find a Gold Star that gives you a battle with a reward of “Replacement Part”. Head over to the Inn and turn in the Replacement Part to collect the reward and Psi will give you the Epic Neck. Now head back down to Basement 1 and go into the Shuttle Bay. After the scene, talk with Emeraude to return to your homeworld and to Lambda's Cocoon.

Lambda's Cocoon
Stop by the Save Point first for the skit, “A Word in Edgewise”. Head to the East to start things off here. Continue East and South in the next room. Once here, head into the Hut to the East. Head down a level by standing on the flower in the middle.

Head out to the Southwest from there. When you reach the next part of the path, go West into the Hut and you will notice the wind. If you want to return to the entrance, just let yourself get sucked by the wind. Otherwise just head West to get out of this hut. Head all the way South then turn to the West to find a chest with 2 Syrup Bottles. Now head to the East from there. Go into the Hut in that direction for a cutscene.

Continue to the East. When you come to a split you will want to stay going the same direction, and turn North, to find an Arcane Bottle. After that just go to the Southwest and enter the Hut there. You will find a Save Point where you can trigger the skit, “Under Observation”. Next go up to the Heart-Shaped Stone and investigate it. This yields the “Heart of Stone” discovery, some Legendary Metal and the skit, “In Its Clutches”.

Head out of this hut to the West. Head South then East. There you will find a chest with an Eleth Bottle C. Now head into the Hut to the West. In this hut you need to solve the Flower Puzzle

Flower Puzzle 1
(Head to the Northwest corner of this platform to be able to access the skit, “Touchy Subject”)
Head up from the Red to North Blue
Head to the Northwest and poke the Red

Everything will darken when you complete the puzzle. Head out to the West and across the way into the next Hut. Cross through it to the next walkway. Here you will want to head across to the next hut, where you will find 3 Grape Gels in a chest. Now hop onto the flower in the center of the room. Open the chest in this room to find 780 units of Eleth. Head to the East from here to be sucked back up. Head to the East and go South to find a chest with 3 Life Bottles inside it. Now head to the West from this chest and into the next hut. Inside this hut you will find the second Flower Puzzle

Flower Puzzle 2
Use the Blue Flower as you walk in
Head to the Southwest and use the Red Flower
Cross the Platform you just moved, now examine the Red Flower
Examine the Blue Flower next to it
Touch the Northern Red Flower, above the entrance platform
Touch the Blue Flower next to it

The puzzle is complete when all the flowers darken. Head out of this hut and go into the one in the Northwest. Between the two Huts going West, detour up to the North and look into the chest just above the walkway you were on. Collect the 5200 gald inside then continue North and go West into the next hut. Use the Flower here to get down to the next level.

From this room, head to the West. You will land in the room with the next Flower Puzzle.

Flower Puzzle 3
Check the nearby Blue Flower to the Northwest
Examine the Far Northwestern Red Flower
Examine the Blue Flower beside the Red one you just used
Check the Far South Red Flower and the Blue Flower beside it
Head to the Far West Platform and examine the Red Flower then the Blue one

Head West and get pulled up a level. Head out to the East and enter into the Southwest Hut. Head all the way over to the West. Stop at the Save Point for the skits, “No Matter What!” and “One for the Road” and to update your file. Head through to the West for a cutscene and a pair of fights. Consider giving someone the title they got in the Humanoid Research Center for the coming battles. Being able to break a Nova barrier is very important here.

Weaknesses: Human, Spirit, Nova, Strike, Slow, B-Artes

Again, a surprise with Richard being vulnerable to B-Artes. Handy though as those are great for pummeling. Open up with a Nova Element attack as Richard has a Nova Barrier. Be careful as this form of Richard has a nasty Mystic Arte, Divinity Blade. It can easily cut into your party's HP.

A cutscene runs between the battles where Richard topples over, the body dead or close to it.

Weaknesses: Human, Inorganic, Machine, Nova, Aerial, Paralysis

Keep a good steam of attacks going at her. Watch for black circles forming around your characters. She will unleash burst of black energy. She does not have a Mystic Arte so do not worry about it coming at you. Just keep the attacks coming and she will go down.

After the cutscenes you gain access to the Shuttle, finally allowing for quick travel around the world. Head for Lhant to get your bearings.