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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Gone Rogue Part 3: Umbrella Labs

Once you have finished off the soldiers in the cemetery, grab any supplies you can from the surrounding area. You can find a few Frag Grenades behind the grave stones, and piles of ammo litter the ground. When you are ready, proceed through the gates that the Spec Ops soldiers with the Shotguns and Grenade Launchers charged in through to reach the entrance to the Umbrella Labs. You will first have to trek through a warehouse, though. In the parking lot, you can find two First Aid Sprays and one piece of Intel. Collect them and move on into the alley and through the back door of the facility. You will be able to find a Security Camera on the left-hand wall of this labyrinthine facility, and several pieces of Intel will be scattered around the entryway to the facility as well. Grab all of the collectibles and run past the truck to reach the waypoint. Press the switch to raise the shutters.

Zombies will crawl out from under the shutters and the switch will blow a fuse, causing the shutters to become stuck. Backpedal away from the shutters while firing your weapon. With luck, you will be able to kill a decent number of zombies before they get to their feet. Gun down the rest and turn around. You will find another group of zombies sneaking up behind you. Use the makeshift narrow corridors formed by the truck beds to funnel the zombies towards you. This way, you can take them all down quickly as they rush you in a straight line. If you find yourself overwhelmed in these close quarters, toss a Frag Grenade at your feet and dive out of the makeshift alley to safety just as the grenades explode. Pick up the ammo behind the truck beds and look at your mini-map.

You will have several new waypoints marked out on your map. Each of these will mark a breaker switch. You will need to flip all of them in order to reactivate the power in the facility. Seems like blowing out the fuses for the whole city has had a negative effect on your journey. The first two breakers that you try to throw won’t work. Only the third will be successful. This will open the doors at last and allow you entrance to the Umbrella Lab.

Head through the door and shoot the few zombies milling about as you go. You will be able to find Antiviral Spray, First Aid Spray, ammo, and a Security Camera in this area before you reach your destination. When you reach the far end of the area, you will find a Spec Ops squad lying in wait. A group of snipers will pop out to attack you. If you followed this guide’s advice, you will no longer have a Bolt Action Rifle to counter snipe with in your inventory. That’s okay, though, because you can reach these snipers through alternate means. Climb the stairs to reach the high ground in this area, then shoot down upon the enemies below and kill the snipers. When all of the enemies are dead, go back down the stairs briefly to search for Intel. You will be able to find two pieces of Intel in the small area at the base of the stairs.

Head back up to the top level of the area and gather by the door. When your entire squad is present, the door will open. As you move deeper into the facility, you can look through the windows to find Nemesis below you, mopping the floor with a group of Spec Ops soldiers. Head around the corner, as there is nothing you can do for the soldiers below. When you round the corner, search the console to find a piece of Intel. Follow the linear path after this to reach an elevator. Grab an Incendiary Grenade from the entryway to the elevator and save it for your upcoming encounter with Nemesis. Enter the office on the opposite side of the hall from the elevator to find a piece of Intel. A Laptop will be nearby as well, so be sure to examine it to take credit for all of the Intel that you have collected so far. Also, be on the lookout for a Security Camera in this room. It will be in the middle of the back wall in the smaller square room.

When you are ready to proceed, take your team to the lift in the corner. Examine the lift to descend to the level below. Get off of the lift when it reaches the bottom and search the area to find another piece of Intel and some ammo, if you need any. When you enter the next area, you will find a few zombies waiting for you. Kill the enemies amongst the hanging chambers, and proceed across the walkway to grab a Frag Grenade from the opposite side of the area. This small area is also where you will find the hidden Raccoon City Mascot in this level. Proceed around to the back side of the tower of specimen containers. This area will make a small alcove on your map. It will lead into the center of the specimen containment tower. Here, you will find the Raccoon City Mascot waiting for you. Pick it up for a very healthy experience boost, and then leave the alcove and loop back around to reach the main path.

Turn around and head through the door by the tower to enter the Lab proper. When you enter this area, you will catch your first glimpse of the Parasite enemy through the glass of the room across the walkway. It will latch onto a zombie’s face, burrowing in and gaining control of its host. These parasites can be dangerous foes, as you will soon find out. By gaining control of a host, they are able to multiply its power and health. Be on the lookout for these during the next checkpoint.