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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 45 – Sidequests Part 3: Trade Permit, Oswell Family Vault, Beloved Handkerchief

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 45 – Sidequests Part 3: Trade Permit, Oswell Family Vault, Beloved Handkerchief

Trade Permit
When you first enter, if you have seen the Trade Permit request, this will trigger a scene with Lady Lhant. She will mention that one of her friends in Barona will be able to help you with this. Once there, go to Barona Castle. Once inside, talk with the man down the Eastern Hallway. He will have a Smiley Face above him. He will give you the Trade Permit that you have been seeking. Asbel will also gain the “Son of a Hero” title. Now return to

Oswell Family Vault
Approximate Coordinates – X: 2, Y: -308

Once you arrive, following the cutscene, you will be thrust into battle.
Martial Fury
Weaknesses: Machine, Impact, Paralysis, A-Artes

The Battle itself is nothing too bad. It acts much like the other machine enemies of its type, swiping at you. It is very easy to simply keep one long chain going and defeat it.

Your victory will give Hubert the “Scion of Oswell” title. Now, it is time for looting. Head to the Southwest of the starting point and into the doorway there. Inside you will find 2 Panacea Bottles. Now head to the other side to find 2 Peach Gels.

Head South from the starting point, down the stairs, and to the West, up another set of stairs. Up these stairs you will find a shaded hole in the wall with an Eleth Bottle EX inside it. Head to the opposite side of the area to find 3 Life Bottles.

Now it is time to head into the Vault itself. Head through either side to get in. Each side gives access to particular treasures. Here are the lists:
West Side:
3 Red Wines
Drop Bottle
Mastery Tonic EX
Bizarre Clump
Seablue Statue
Toxic Fluid
2 Syrup Bottles
Imperial Crest

East Side:
3 Beef
3 Peaches
Arcane Bottle
3 White Wine
Seablue Vestments

Collect all of that then return to the Shuttle.

Beloved Handkerchief
Head into Cheria's House and investigate the Gold Star inside by the cabinet. This triggers a cutscene with Fredrick searching for a Beloved Handkerchief. You need simply to travel to Barona and investigate the Gold Star to the right of the Item Shop there.

Fendel Glacier Ruins
Head inside and backtrack all the way to the Valkines Cryas. Once there, look behind the Warp to the Northwest to find a hidden area. Head to the Southeast to find a chest with an Arcane Bottle inside it.

Northeast Path
First Branch:
North: Chest with Elixir inside it
Northeast: Continue downwards

Second Branch:
Northeast: Chest with 4546 gald.
Head to the Southeast from there to find a grave with a Gold Star above it. To the North of the grave is a chest with 2 Grape Gels inside. Interact with the star to have a cutscene with Malik that earns him the “Unable to Die” title and you gain “Kurt's Pendant”. Be sure to open the chest that appears here as well to get the Abyssal Vestments for Malik.

Head back to the Valkines after that and interact with the Gold star there. It notes that Space-Time is warped there. If you dare to access it, you will find Forbawyvern. Do not attempt to take him on until you are high level, 70+, as he will destroy you otherwise (He's level 88). As such, this will be skipped for now. That ties everything up in here, head on back to the surface.