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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 46 – Sidequests Part 4: Sandshrouded Ruins Part 1: Eleth Circuit Puzzles

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 46 – Sidequests Part 4: Sandshrouded Ruins Part 1: Eleth Circuit Puzzles

Approach the Ruins through the Uncharted Sand Stretch. You will encounter a large number of Blast Helmites. Defeat the first round and you will learn that you need to take them out quickly and as many at once as possible. You will find the Abandoned Cargo and Pascal will get the “Free Spirit” title. With all that done, time to head into the ruins.

Sandshrouded Ruins
Head to the East, down the stairs. Go through the first Red door to the North. There you will find the Eleth Switch for this complex. Use it to enable everything. Head on out and down the stairs to the South, looping North as needed. Stop by the Save Point for the skit, “A Show of Gratitude”. Now continue on to the next door.

In this, first head into the Northeast corner to claim the chest. It has 3 Life Bottles inside it. Approach the device in the center of the room. You can trigger the skit, “That Old Familiar Feeling”. Now head back out and to the East and through the next door.

Eleth Line Switch Puzzle 1
Start by going to the North. Flip the first switch to face over to the North. Head to the East of it. Rotate the Top Eleth Switch to face East.  Follow the current to the East. First rotate this switch to face North. While it has this orientation you can claim a chest with a Crystal Seashell inside it. After that, rotate the Switch to the East. Now head back to the first set of switches.

For the Southern set, rotate the first one to the South. Now move to the second one and rotate it to the North. Follow the feed to the Third Switch. You want to rotate it to the East (If you rotate it to the South and face the one below it to the East, you will find a Crooning Golem waiting for you). Follow the current to the next Switch. For the Fourth one, rotate it to the South first to reveal a chest with an Eleth Bottle EX inside it. Now rotate the switch to the North. Both doors are now open to you.

Head through the either door to make it into the next room. Once on the other side, rotate the Eleth Switch to the East. Follow the current to the South and into the following room. Another Multiple Eleth Line Puzzle

Eleth Line Puzzle 2
Start going to the East. Rotate the first switch toward the East. While it faces North, it will activate a Crooning Golem that will come at you. Now finish rotating it to the East. Follow the current to the Eleth Switch. Rotate it to the South (West resulting in another Crooning Golem coming at you). By directing it South you will find a chest with 900 units of Eleth inside it. Now back track to the circuit in the floor, just to the South of the last Eleth Switch. You want to rotate this once. This redirects the flow of Eleth forward. Now go to the East of it and rotate the next Eleth Switch to the East. Approach the next circuit in the floor and rotate it 3 times. Head to the Eleth Switch to the South. Follow the current to the next Switch and point it to the West. Follow the current one last time and rotate this Switch to the South.

Head back to the North end of this room and go to the Western Eleth switch. Rotate it to the South. Head to the West of this switch over to the floor circuit in the Northwestern corner of the room. If you rotate it once you will have a Crooning Golem come at you. Rotate it once again to get a chest with 3 Grape Gels inside. Now head South from the chest to the nearest Eleth Switch. Orient it to the West. Now head to the Floor circuit just to the South of it. Rotate it twice to move the flow of Eleth to the next circuit. Rotate this one once to complete the lines for this room. Head on out to the next room.

First, head to the East. You will find a chest with 6900 gald inside it. Now head to the West and go down the stairs. Follow the Eleth flow down the next set of stairs as well, to the West and into the next room.

Eleth Line Switch Puzzle 3
Start by going to the South. Rotate the first Eleth Switch to the West. Now head up and rotate the nearby Floor circuit 3 times. This reveals a chest with an All-Divide inside it. Now go to the West and rotate the second Eleth Switch to the North. Rotate the next Eleth Switch to the South. This will cause another Crooning Golem to come at you (unless you have already rotated the Eleth Switch to the Southwest to face West instead of its default East). From there, follow the current to the next Floor Circuit and rotate it once. Go with the Current South and East to the follow Floor Circuit. Rotate the one directly East of the nearby Eleth Switch twice. Rotate the one below it 3 times. Head to the one to the West of that last one. Rotate it once. This will reveal a chest with an Elixir inside. Now head back to the nearby Eleth Switch and send the current to the West. Head to the Southwest of that switch to the Floor Circuit there. Rotate it twice to get a charge going to the Southern Door.