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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 47 – Sandshrouded Ruins Part 2: Colored Eleth Circuits

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 46 – Sandshrouded Ruins Part 2: Colored Eleth Circuits

Head back to the start of this room. Go North of the Juncture and rotate the circuit there once. Now orient the next two Northern Eleth Line Switches to the West. Head over to the Floor Circuit to the West and rotate it once. Follow the current South and spin that Eleth Switch to the West. Head West and rotate the Floor Circuit there once to keep the flow going. Rotate the next Eleth Switch to the West.  Follow the current and rotate the last Eleth Switch to the West. Still, take a moment to orient it to the South and rotate the Floor Circuit below it twice. This will power up a floor tile that will give you a Clear Core. Now reorient the Floor Circuit by rotating it twice. Follow the Current to the North and it is time to work through a set of Floor Circuits. The first one in the feed sequence needs to be rotated once. The one to the East of it needs to be spun 3 times. The one above it needs 2 spins. That will complete the powering of the doors in this room.

With the doors working, you will want to go to the South first. Follow the Eleth flow into the next room to the East. Head into the next room to the East. This is a nasty puzzle so be ready for it to take some time. The goal of these puzzles is to light up ALL the floor panels by having the appropriately colored Eleth current go through it. On top of that you need to have the current run to the door as well.

Eleth Switch Color Puzzle 1
Head to the Northern edge of the room. This top row is the 1st row. Starting from the West, rotate the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th to face East. Have the 3rd one, the one above the multi-color circuit, face South.

Now, in the 2nd row first rotate the Eleth Switch at the Eastern end to the South. Head to the West of it and rotate the next Switch to the North. Repeat this one the next Eleth Switch to the West as well. Head all the way to the Eleth Switch to the East of the Yellow Panel. Rotate this Eleth Switch to face to the North. Now rotate the Eleth Switch on the Yellow Panel to the North.

For the 3rd row from the Northern edge, start with the Westernmost Switch. Rotate the first 3 to face North. Moving the 3rd to face North with a Current will cause a Crooning Golem to come at you. Have the 4th one face South, the 5th one face East and the 6th one face North. The Yellow Current should be passing through the Multi-Colored Circuit on the Purple Panel.

Head directly South into the 4th row. Orient this Eleth Switch, to the West of the Blue Panel, to face South. Make the next Switch to the West, on the Red Panel, face North. Head to the next Switch to the West, with the Yellow Current running through it, and have it face to the South. Now skip over the to the next Eleth Switch in the row, the one to the East of the Blue Panel, and orient it to the East.

Head down to the 5th row on the Western end, going East. Point the 1st , just below the Main Blue Panel to the East. Face the 2nd one to the North. Have the 3rd one go South. Skip the 4th one to the 5th one (below the Red Panel) and have it face North. Rotate the 6th one to the South. Have the 7th one face to the East.

For the 6th row, start at the Eastern End. Rotate the 1st Eleth Switch above the Green Panel to face North. Now have the 2nd one in the row face to the South. Take a detour to go to the Eleth Switch below this one, between the Yellow and Green Panels, and face it to the East. Now head to the 3rd Eleth switch, to the West of the Multi-Color Circuit, and rotate it to the East. Head to the Eleth Switch Above the Orange Panel and face it to the South. Now briefly head South and rotate the Eleth Switch on the Orange Panel and face it to the East. Next, use the Eleth Switch to the East of the Red Panel and face it to the North. Now orient the Eleth Switch on the Red Panel to the North as well.

Head back to the 3rd row and have the Eleth Switch on the Main Blue Panel face to the East. Now head all the way down to the 7th row. Go to the Eleth Switch between the Orange and Yellow Panels, the 3rd from the East, and orient it to the North. Now Orient Both Eleth Switches on the Yellow Panels to the East.

Done right, this will open the door on the Eastern end of this room. Inside this you will find a Greavereaper waiting to fight you.

Weaknesses: Machines, Burn, A-Artes
This thing is largely more durable than more of the ones you encounter. Pound away with your A-Artes.

From that fight you will get a Mastery Tonic EX and a Hero Staff in the Chests behind it.

Head on out to the West twice and go North twice. Time for another Eleth Switch Puzzle, this one with only two colors. Take a moment to approach the Save Point in the Northern part of this room. It will trigger the skit, “Cool Composure”. Open the chest opposite the Save Point to receive a Hourglass.

Eleth Switch Color Puzzle 2
Orient all of the Eleth Switches to the North. Simple.

Head North and go into the next room to the West. Time for another Color Puzzle.

Eleth Switch Color Puzzle 3
Starting with the Red Current, orient the first Eleth Switch to the North. Head North, past the Blue Panel. Turn this Eleth Switch to the West. Follow the Current to the West and turn that Eleth Switch to the North. This will a chest appear with 1 gald inside it.

Now, head back to the Eleth Switch you just put to the North. Rotate it to the West. Now, spin all the next to Switches to the West so they face to the West. Now, the 2nd Eleth Switch from the West, you will want to orient to the South. This chest has the “Book of Solitude”. This book makes it so only 1 character can participate in combat instead of the usual 4.

With that collected, time to get things set up so you can finish this area out. Starting at the Northern central part of the room, orient the two Eleth Switches there to the West.

Head down a row and have the far Western Switch face to the South. Now, in the 2nd row, face the 2nd Switch face South. Now head to the Switch to the East of the Multi-color Floor Circuit and aim it to the West. Head over to the Switch in front of the Main Blue Panel and orient that to the South.

Move to the 3rd row now. Aim the 1st switch on the Eastern side to the South. Head West to the 3rd switch and point that one, below the Purple Panel, to the North. Head to the West and point the next 2 Eleth Switches to the West as well. Make sure the last switch in the 3rd row from the top is facing South.

In the 4th row, starting from the Western side, aim the Switch to the West. Head to the East and make the 2nd Eleth Switch point to the East. Continue on and have the 3rd switch from the West Point North. Head all the way to the East and make the Eleth Switch next to the Main Red Panel is pointing South.

The 5th row only has 1 switch to the West of a Red Floor Panel. Make sure this Switch is pointing North. This should complete the circuit and let you into the next room.

In this room you will want to go to the Southwest corner. There you will find a strange machine to investigate. This will give you the “Heat Ray Cannon B” Discovery. This also triggers the Skit, “Patching the Cracks”. Now go into the Warp to exit out of here.