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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 3 – Day 2, Part 1 – Rub' Al Khali, The Deserted City

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 3 – Day 2, Part 1 – Rub' Al Khali, The Deserted City

No more sword, but Ryu now has a bow to back him up instead. Move Ryu forward until his helath bar appears. This means that Ryu has been spotted, but also lets him use the targeting of the bow. You have a number (3-6) Rocket Terrorists to deal with. After that come a set of Sandmobile soldiers. The best way to handle them is to jump into the air, aim and fire. Ryu can only fire one shot per jump so it will take a little longer. The advantage of this is it will vastly reduce the potential amount of damage to Ryu.

After the next cutscene, move forward to the left then right. Once Ryu passes through the doorway, just continue through the open passage toward the next one in front of him. About halfway there Ryu will be attacked by an Assassin. Follow the dodge prompt then it is time to engage the Assassin in battle. This has a number more Terrorists come pouring out at Ryu. Time to learn about using the Ultimate Technique and get some more practice with Ninpo.

Ultimate Technique:
Hold “Y”/“Triangle” - When Ryu's Arm is glowing red he can charge and unleash the Ultimate Technqiue. This kills a set number of foes that increases with the progression of the curse.

Defeat the first wave of enemies then multiple Terrorists with Rocket Launchers will come at Ryu. Jump and fire the bow at each of them for some quick kills at minimal risk. Have Ryu move forward to the right after the dust settles from the battle.

Here Ryu needs to climb up the walls using the Flying Bird Flip. This simple technqiue can be frustrating at times because of the precision needed.

Flying Bird Flip:
Jump toward a wall. As Ryu comes into contact with the wall, Jump again. Repeat until you complete the climb.

At the top of the wall move forward to find a Hawk to Save with. Now drop down into the courtyard below. More Terrorists and Assassins will be coming at Ryu. Ryu's first Priority should be to locate and kill the Terrorists with Rocket Launchers.

Once that group is dispatched, head up the ramp on the left into the building. Inside the building head toward the gap to Ryu's right. Move and jump onto the left-hand wall to Wall Run across the gap. Head to the right and forward, jumping the gap. On the otherside, have Ryu move in quietly so he can stealth kill the two guards there. Once they are dead, head a little to the right and quickly take out the Terrorist with the Rocket Launcher. Wall run across the next gap then head to the left.

As Ryu crosses the wooden bridge here it will collapse beneath him. Move forward and Ryu is once again attacked by Assassins and Terrorists, potentially some War Dogs as well. With all of them dealt with, head across form where Ryu fell to the narrow gap between two wall and Bird Flip upwards.

At the top, turn and jump across the gap (if needed) to move forward. Wall run twice to get past where Ryu fell. Turn right and pass under the overhanging canvas. Kunai climb up the wall and use a Strong attack to throw and kill the Terrorist at the top. Move forward slowly and stealth kill the next Terrorist. Unfortunately this seems to fit into someone's plan as another terrorist launches a cluster rocket at Ryu. Follow the prompts to land in the courtyard below.

In this courtyard Ryu has a good number of Terrorists and Assassins coming at him. There are, of course, Terrorists above with Launchers firing down at Ryu. After a few waves of those assailants, Sandmobile Troops come at Ryu. Again, jump and use the Bow to take them out with minimal risk. If the Terrorists above with the Launchers are dead, this will be easy. Head to the back left and Bird Flip upwards.

Move forward and jump, catching the bar to swing from it. Repeat this twice more than climb the next wall. At the top and to the right Ryu will find a Hawk to save at.