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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 6 – Day 3, Part 1 – Abismo Island, Indian Coast

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 6 – Day 3, Part 1 – Abismo Island, Indian Coast

Things start off fast here. As Ryu jumps out of the helicopter it is time to start dodging. At first it is just gunfire going wild but there is a missile as well. Dodge the missile then come into land with a strong attack. Once Ryu is on the ground then it is time to start fighting. Immediately attack the second Machine Gun stand as it can fire missiles and has solid armor on it. Keep this up until it is sparking from the front. At that point start focusing on the Terrorists and Assassins coming at Ryu. Once they are dead, then finish off the turret. Attack it until prompted to mash to get Ryu to slice through it.

Once the turret is down then follow the path behind it. Head forward and to the left. As Ryu rounds the corner start attacking. Lightshell bugs will begin to mass to attack Ryu with their Unblockable Lunge bite. If they manage to gang up, he is dead. Move back in that case to draw them out of their grouping then slash away with quick attacks. Ryu can also attack them with slides. Two slides will kill any of the bugs. After they are dealt with then continue on forward.

There are two more groups of Lightshell Bugs that will attack Ryu. One as he crosses the middle of the path he is on and a second when he reaches the White stone. Defeat them then look up. The Lightshell nest is blocking the wall. Quick shoot it down with an explosive arrow to resolve matters then climb up the wall.

At the top of the wall is another Terrorist who needs to be dealt with. Kill him then head to the right. Just after the path bends to the right, get ready to block. A number of War Dogs will come at Ryu. Kill the dogs then dash into the shadows to the right of the door. Let the Guard step out then kill him. A few more will reveal themselves and attack Ryu. Deal with them then go through the door that the guard came out of.

On the other side of the door is a good sized force waiting for Ryu. Immediately dodge as a Machine Gun turret fires off missiles at Ryu. You will encounter Assassins, War Dogs, Terrorists and 1 or 2 Machine Gun Turrets. Take out the Turret first to make life a lot easier with an explosive arrow by jumping and aiming. After that, it is two waves of the enemies described. Once Ryu clears the group below then you want head up the stairs, destroying the remains of the turret.

When Ryu reaches the roof then another group of Assassins will attack him. They are backed up by Rocket Launchers. Take out the Rocket Launchers first then focus on the assassins. Once the battle finishes, a hawk appears. Heal and Save.

Turn, go through the gate and head down the stairs. As Ryu reaches the bottom then a soldier will ambush him. Take him out then head to the gap in the railing. Glide down to the Truck below then grab on with your Kunai.