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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 7 – Day 3, Part 2 – Abysmo Island, Indian Coast

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 7 – Day 3, Part 2 – Abysmo Island, Indian Coast

When Ryu gets off the truck, hit Strong attack to deal with the terrorist right there. He also has a War Dog ready to come at Ryu as well. Aside from them will be Assassins and Rocket Launchers. This is a longer fight with plenty of foes to tackle and kill. Use the Ultimate Technique or Ninpo whenever they become available to keep the odds in Ryu's favor.

Once the fight comes to an end, run toward the camera. LOA has begun dropping incendiary rounds on the ground around the base. This means move. Jump over to the 2 logs in the way and the camera will go back behind Ryu. Keep moving as Helicopters will be coming at Ryu and carpet bombing the surrounding area. Get ready to slide just after the second helicopter passes over Ryu. Only a few second later Ryu will need to jump to avoid a fallen tree. When Ryu arrives at the cliff, dodge off to glide into the Helicopter there. Slice through it by mashing Strong attack.

When Ryu lands on the water and is besieged by 4 Helicopters. The name of the game remains dodging and jumping shots with the bow. Keep a close eye on the ground as well as the helicopters. Orange spots appear where the the bombs will be falling or to telegraph their pending launch. Keep Ryu light on his feet and attacking. Defeat them using those techniques and Ryu should take minimal damage.

Once they are down, head for the White Wall in front of Ryu and start climbing up. Head into the cave off the ravine and go to the right. Just as Ryu turns the corner a number of Jetpack Soldiers will come in with ground support. The ground support are Heavy Soldiers and Terrorists.

Once all the enemies are dead then wall run off the shorter wall to reach the second wall and climb up it. At the top Ryu can Save and Heal. Head to the left after that. Run, then start sliding once you encounter more Lightshell Bugs. Just go straight forward with that. The floor will fall out underneath Ryu but it will light up as the nest breaks open. Head out of here to the right. Keep going until Ryu encounters more Lightshell bugs. Kill them to get some illumination in the area. Move forward and shoot down the nest with an arrow. After that, use the Bird Flip to scale on upwards.

At the top of the shaft, keep going to the right. More Lightshell bugs await Ryu here. Kill them to light the area or just keep moving forward sliding through them. The nest is a little ways down the tunnel. Destroy it to reveal a passage Ryu can slide through. Slide on through then press forward to find the third nest just a short ways ahead. Keep to the ground as there it is a narrow bridge that leads on this nest. Kill the bugs when needed for light.

After Ryu destroys that nest,  head over to the steel wall just ahead. Start climbing up it. AT the top use a Strong attack to take care of the guard there. Now, turn your attention to all the terrorists in the area. Ryu has to contend with numerous Rocket Launchers as he progresses forward, occasionally Wall Running to cover the gaps, in addition to the various Terrorists and Soldiers. Keep an eye out for the Riot Shield ones so Ryu can quickly remove the shield with a Strong attack.

After the second Wall Run, press forward up the stairs. Ryu will be prompted to climb across the area with a Rope. About three quarters of the way across, a soldier with a Rocket Launchers comes at Ryu, quick throw a dagger to kill him. Jump off the rope then keep going up the stairs in front of Ryu.

Head forward and deal with the squad of soldiers and Terrorists who come at Ryu. Slaughter your way through to the next rope. Climb across and just keep moving. A helicopter will descend into the shaft Ryu is in and start shooting at him. Ryu should engage the helicopter then start climbing up the nearby shaft to the right with Bird Flips. The Helicopter is fought just like the others, dodge its bullets and missiles then jump and fire arrows at it.

At the top of the shaft Ryu will find more Terrorists and Riot Shield soldiers waiting for him. There could be worse as well. Press on through this fight and try to save either the Ultimate Technique or a Ninpo. Just after this batch is killed off, Alchemists appear and attack Ryu. These are easier as they tend to be for their grab skill than their shielding or block throwing. Press on here and climb up to the top of the wall to the left.