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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 5 – Day 2, Part 3 - Rub' Al Khali, The Deserted City

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 5 – Day 2, Part 3 - Rub' Al Khali, The Deserted City

The source of the signal is closer now. Head into the building ahead of Ryu. Keep moving forward into the station. As Ryu approach the stairs at the far end, then terrorists come out and start attacking him. For once there are enough that is can feel very overwhelming. Use the Ultimate Technique as soon as Ryu is able or Ninpo when the Ki gauge fills. When Ryu gets down to the last few of the soldiers, the curse flares up. Kill the last of the terrorists then head through the nearby door.

Through the door is an elevator that will take Ryu up to the floor where the signal source is. After Ryu recovers from the Curse, the helicopter is back. Use “LT/RT”/“L2/R2” to force open the door while mashing on “B”/“Circle”. Once Ryu is on this landing, wall run on the left-hand wall and break right after that.

Here things get complicated. Ryu needs to execute a pair of wall runs. While he is doing this, there can be up to 4 Jetpack Soldiers shooting at him. If this too much, duck behind the half-finish pillar to get a respite and lure a few over for some quick kills. Just fire the arrows quickly and accurately. Once Ryu gets past the wall runs then head to the left and Bird Flip up.

At the top of the wall Ryu just climbed, head right then start Kunai climbing up the White Metal portion of the wall. About halfway up the Helicopter will return and resume its attack on Ryu. Remember; Jump and fire an arrow while it is unloading its machine gun at Ryu. If done carefully then it is possible to pull this feat off while under missile fire as well. It is better just to dodge generally as the missiles are coming. After this round then the helicopter will finally spiral down and crash. Resume the Kunai climb that got interrupted.

At the top another cinematic awaits Ryu. The Reagent of the Red Mask explains more about the curse which he cast on Ryu. After that though, it is boss battle time.

IDE-1011 Manta Helicopter

Slide to the left or right immediately as the helicopter charges Ryu. Immediately pull out the bow and start firing at it. This will work to take out the turrets and rocket launchers that are on its wings. The initial pattern is simple, unload bullets and missiles at Ryu, swoop across the rooftop. Especially on higher difficulties avoid the missiles as they will kill Ryu very quickly. Keep more to the edges to avoid the Helicopter's swooping attack. After Ryu destroys the first launcher, time for some QBIs. Jump then slash into the cockpit. Now quickly close on the Turret on the Wing. Slide toward it and avoid the bullets being spewed at Ryu. It is possible to block most of them. It is best to wait until the warning light comes on at the base of the turret. Now close the gap and attack it. Mash the button to finish it. Another QBI will run, with the objective here being to jump off the Helicopter.

Ryu will land back on the roof after that and be given a brief respite. The Helicopter will appear again. This is a repeat of the first part of the fight. Attack it with arrows, avoiding the cockpit, until a missile pod explodes. Now Jump then dodge as Ryu makes his way back over to the helicopter to slash into it.

Things are more interesting on the Helicopter this round. Approach the turret and attack it when the light comes on. Just avoid the bullets until it does. After the first slash the helicopter will go vertical. Use the Kunai to start climbing toward the turret. Whenever it lines up with Ryu, use the Left Thumbstick to move out of the way. Continue climbing until Ryu reach the turret. The helicopter will level but Jetpack Soldiers will appear to start attack with the Turret. Dodge the turret and attack the Jetpack Soldiers. Remember to attack the turret as soon as the orange light goes on. Another QBI runs with Ryu needing to jump again.

When Ryu lands there are a number of Jetpack Soldiers attacking him as well as the Helicopter. Jump and fire at the Jetpack soldiers to stave off the worst of the damage. Once they go down, the Helicopter will use its old attack pattern with one important addition: Carpet bombing. Whenever it flies overhead and orange dots appear on the ground, start moving away from the dots. More than anything, move carefully. It is harder to dodge the swoop attack. Still if Ryu stays in the center until the last moment then it is easier to dodge it.

Once Ryu takes out the last of the pods then the QBI starts. Jump toward the helicopter but there is no need to worry about dodging. Plow into with the sword then hold on for dear life until things level out and Ryu needs to jump again. That will conclude Day 2.