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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 8 – Day 3, Part 3 – Abysmo Island, Indian Coast

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 8 – Day 3, Part 3 – Abysmo Island, Indian Coast

At the top of the wall there is a cinematic waiting for Ryu where he can glide into the nearby Watchtower and kill the guards inside. Kill them then glide out of the tower and charge the Terrorist below, running him through with a Strong attack.

On the ground either Ryu is fighting Terrorists and War Dogs or taking on Megaselions and Ourboros with Rocket Launcher Support from the Towers. Regardless, once Ryu wipes out the first wave of Soldiers, he is crippled by pain from the Grip of Murder curse. Now it remains for Ryu to deal with a few more remaining enemies. Use Focus to find the foes quickly. There are a good number of them but once they are all dead a Falcon will come to Ryu. Heal and Save then head to the double doors in front of Ryu. Pry them open and force Ryu through.

On the other side of the door waits more fighting once Ryu gets toward the center. While the numbers vary, the total amounts to more Alchemists and only a few less Rocket Launching Terrorists. The first wave is pure Alchemists. After that, two Rocket Launchers will appear. Jump and shoot them quickly with the bow. Head for the door when the fight abates and Ryu is tackled by a Ghost Soldier. Keep on him with vicious attacks. There are at least 3 more like him and they are invisible. Use Shuirken to find them as well as expose them for easier sword attacks. They become visible after taking a certain amount of damage though it is hard to say how much. Keep on them as their compatriots love to throw bombs at Ryu.

With all the Ghost soldiers dead then Ryu will want to go through the double doors at the top of the stairs. Keep on your guard as Ryu heads down the hall with the display. Not all those dogs are statues. A good number of them will come to life and attack. Remember, if they start to gang up on him, back off to gain more space.

Continue down the museum. As Ryu passes the Specimens on display, around the third one on the left, he will be attacked by more Ghost soldiers. Defeat them with the same tactics and press on through the next set of double doors.

In this hallway be ready to slide or block when Ryu passes the third door on the left. Another few Ghost Soldiers are waiting just about there for him. Defeat them then head for the end of the hall.

After another nice “chat” with the Reagent of the Red Mask, it is time to fight a Dinosaur.

Star the battle moving to either side of the Dinosaur. Slide around it as it charges Ryu so it will collapse where it started. Be sure that when its starts its second charge that Ryu is moving in the opposite direction that he was previously going in. When it does, begin attacking it. Stay closer to the middle of it, around its legs, to avoid the worse of its attacks. Focus all Ryu's attacks on the Gigantosaurus' legs. Eventually Ryu will be prompted to hack into one of its legs. After this point the battle changes a bit.

With its body infused with metal it is now a lot harder to hurt this beast. Move away and start sliding to prompt it to charge at you. When it does, let it topple over. At this point charge it and hack away at its head. This is only remaining vulnerable point on its body. After a round or two of that, there will be a cinematic and Ryu is thrown into a Hallway with the Gigantosaurus chasing him.

Keep running away from the beast. Be ready for a series of jumps the moment you spot white on the bottom edge of the screen. A short while after that Ryu will need to slide under a missile. Once he does though, pull out the bow and shoot the missile in the Gigantosaurus' mouth.

After all this is said and done then go forward and to the left, out the doors. Another cinematic with inputs begins almost immediately. The Gigantosaurus is not quite dead yet. Dodge either way then use Strong attack to inflict some serious damage on it. Now, keep to the opposite side of the room with space around Ryu. Lure the Dinosaur into charging him and sliding away. Attack it only when it topples. Once it gets heavily damage then Ryu will jump on it. At this point just start mashing strong attack to slice through its skull and kill it.