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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 58: The Blood Curse Part 4

This will be the final leg of the rather lengthy Blood Curse quest. Now that you have collected the sword from Saskia for the Hatred Symbolized quest, and Iorveth’s spear for the Spear of Destiny quest, you will be allowed to return to the other side of the mist, your mission a success. Leave through the same gate that you came in from. Roche will be waiting for you outside. He will inform you of a surprise attack executed by the Nilfgaardians. They had been waiting by the docks for the shipment of a figurine. This will seem like odd behavior until it is explained that the figurine is, in fact (spoiler) Triss under a spell called Artifact Compression. You will have to find her and remove the spell from her. (End spoiler.)

The artifact in question was brought overseas by a mysterious girl. This information will trigger a new quest in your Journal, the continuation of the Where Is Triss Merigold quest from the previous Act. For now, just head across the mist and speak with Henselt. You may want to complete certain parts of the Where Is Triss Merigold quest now. If so, refer to the next guides for advice on how to do so. It will be different in Roche’s story than it was in Iorveth’s story. You still will not be able to complete every single part of that quest, though, so feel free to save it for later if you would rather finish up The Blood Curse first.

Once you reach Henselt, tell him about the artifacts that you have recovered so far. He will react positively, pleased that you have made such good progress on removing the mist. He will accompany you to Sabrina’s pyre so that you may attempt to lift the curse from him. Follow the King to reach the spot where he stood and watched as Sabrina burned. Geralt will explain the spell to the King and tell him exactly what he must do for this to work. The grimoire and the magic dust that Dethmold handed over earlier will come in handy here.

Sabrina’s Pyre Puzzle

This puzzle isn’t hard if you have a fresh start, and know where to begin. Start at the Pixie Ring, and then move the King to the bread. After moving the King to the bread, move it to the black candles, then the goat skull, then the burned tree, then the raven, then the sour milk, and then back to the Pixie Ring. This will solve the puzzle. The last step in initiating the ritual will be to ignite Sabrina’s pyre. Use the Igni spell to set the pyre aflame.


Unfortunately, when the puzzle is solved, a group of Wraiths will emerge from the surrounding area and attack you. Right after you set the pyre on fire using Igni, get ready to attack the spectral enemies. You will have to endure multiple waves of the Wraiths, so don’t get too crazy when fighting them. Block intelligently and try to use parries and magic as much as possible to aid in your battle. You will have to kill twenty Wraiths before anything will happen. After the set number of enemies has been reached, the spell will take effect and the ritual will be over. Henselt will attack Sabrina’s ghost with the enchanted spear that you got from Skalen. This will remove the curse from Henselt, even as the deadly mist still hangs over the land. You will receive 2,250 experience points and the Blood Curse quest will be completed. This will open up the quest Faith Symbolized, which you will need to complete in order to get one step closer to removing the cursed mist. Agree to meet Henselt in his tent, and prepare for the next leg of your journey.