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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 22 – Urn of Sacred Ashes, Part 3

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 22 – Urn of Sacred Ashes, Part 3

Wrymling Lair
Head forward to the chamber just up from the cooridor that the Party emerges into. Head into it and a group of Cultists will come charing at you. Head North int othe next following chamber and yet more Cultists are waiting for you. Both of them are Mages to get at them quickly. After they are dead, head to the Northern part of the room to find a chest you can loot.

Turn to the West after this and continue down the corridor. There you will encounter another group of Cultists, Reavers and an Archer. Head past them. This next part is littered with Leghold traps. It will also pull some Dragonlings at you as well. Defeat them and continue on to the West and Northwest. You will find another trio of Dragonlings waiting for you there.

As the path bends to the North, get ready for another fight. When it opens up to the chamber is when the next group of Cultists will attack. There is a Mage among their number so take him out first! There maybe a brief pause them more Cultists, and likely a Dragonling or two, will attack you. Move into the Eastern part of the area to get attacked by 3 Dragonlings and a Reaver. Press forward to the Northern portion of the area to trigger another attack of a pair of Dragonlings.

Before you head forward, head back to the Western portion of this area. Inside the locked chestyou will find some loot and a Manuscript Copy. Also, at the foot of the statue is a book. It will give you the codex entry, “The Frostback Mountains”. Now press forward, up the stairs to the North.

Just head North through the passage. When it opens up into the next chamber get ready for another fight. The first part consists of Cultists Reavers,a Mage and Dragonlings. A lot of Dragonlings. After everything is dead in there, there are two paths. Be sure to take a quick second to check the chamber off to the West. Inside there you will find a pair of Drakes coming at you. These are a lot harder than the Dragonlings that you have been fighting so watch your health as you beat them down. After they are down, loot either of them to get a Drake Scale, useful for a future quest. Now go over to the Eastern wall and find the pilke of dragon filth. There you will find the Stone Warrior Statuette. Return back to the chamber you came from and go North.

This passage will split into two a little ways up: to the East and North. About this pouint you will also be attacked a Mage and 2 Cultists Assassins.

The Northern Passage
Just head to the North into the large chamber at the end of the passage. In this cavern, you have a number of cultists coming at you. They are mostly Reavers with some support from a Drake! Defeat everyone on the floor then turn to the West and go up the stairs. There you will find the Cultist Overseer, an arcane warrior.

Now head to the East and into the smaller connected chamber. In that chamber you will encounter another Cultist Mage, Assassin, and Archer supported by a Drake. After all of that, go to the glowing Dragon Egg to collect the Lifedrinker necklace. Head to the South of that and search the table for a book. This gives the codex entry, “The First Blight, Chapter 3”. Now head back to the intersection and go to the East to move forward.

The Eastern Passage
A lot calmer over in this passage. The first encounter you have is a Drake. Follow it, turning to the North when it does. Go up the stairs and it is time to fight even more Cultists. This group has Reavers, Archers and a Mage. After that, head West out of the room into the next cooridor. Follow it along for a while. As it turns to the North you will find a Drake waiting for you. Be sure to wait and loot it for the Scale it has. Continue to the North and West after that.

In the next Chamber, it is finally time for some negiotation. Here you will meet Kolgrim.
Important Notes:
If you want the Reaver Specialization, then you need to accept this task at least once. Just be sure to save before hand unless you want that part to happen.

Be sure to neither regard Korgrim as crazy or mention that Andraste is dead. Either of these will immediately provoke him to attack and cuts you off from any further opportunities here.

If Leliana is part of your party, then do not defile the ashes. This can result in her leaving the party. It can only be avoid by meeting very strict circumstances. She is fine with talking about it but is repulsed by the actual act.

Talk with him a while and he may make an offer to the Warden. He wants you to pour some of “Andraste's” Blood onto the Sacred Ashes. Accept to gain the Reaver Specialization when you complete the deed.

Head on up and out of the Lair to the Mountaintop.