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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 59 – Telos Astue, Eleth Research Laboratory Part 1

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 59 – Telos Astue, Eleth Research Labratory Part 1

Amarcian Enclave
Head over to the East and return to Pascal's House.  There you will find the Girls who have had a nice talk. The group has a nice talk as well. At the end of the cutscene Sophie will gain the “Sophie Lhant” title, granting her access to the Accel Gauge as well. After that, you can also watch the skit, “The Greatest Gift of All”. After that skit you can trigger another called “A Frightful Kindness”. Once all that is done, hop into the Shuttle and head for Telos Astue

Telos Astue
When you arrive, someone will shoot down the shuttle. This will disable it for a while, leaving you to explore the barren planet while it is repaired. Unfortunaetly, as the cutscenes end, the party is attacked by a number of monsters. After the initial fight you are in the city Telos Astue but it is overrun with Monsters. This means the party needs to clear the area of monsters to move on forward. There are a total of 4 scattered throughout the main area. First, head into the Storehouse in the Northeastern part of town to collect some Miso.

Take a moment to head down a floor to Basement 1 and into the house on that floor. Go inside and you will find Psi who explains some of what happened in his own way. Now it is time to make for the eleth Research Laboratory. Exit the house for another cutscene where Psi joins on with the rest of the party. It will also let you trigger the cutscene, “Left Behind”.

Eleth Research Laboratory
First, head straight to the East and go for the Save Point. This will let you access the skit, “Crafty Women”. Head for the door to the northeast. Descend on down using the elevator there. Head to the East and North to continue on down the corridor and find a machine to investigate. Time for the first Machine Puzzle.

Machine Puzzle 1
Lower the Blue Blocks once
Lower the Yellow Blocks once
Raise the Red Blocks once

Doing this will give you access to the chest ahead of you with Magic Carta #75. Access the machine again and reset the puzzle. Move forward and you can access the skit, “A Painful Finish”.

Machine Puzzle 1, Part 2
Raise the Red Blocks twice
Raise the Yellow Blocks once
Lower the Blue Blocks one