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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 2 – Operation Flytrap, Info Hunt

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 2 – Operation Flytrap, Info Hunt

Head to the marker nearby the church and Father Guerra. The day changes to night as Heller and Guerra work to line up the next target. Start heading to the South, slightly to the West, to approach Test Site Washington. When Heller arrives there, the Infected are just about to be released.

Time to get up close and personal with some Brawlers. You have full support for this battle, a reminder that double tapping jump gets Heller to dodge, tapping attack is good for combos and holding attack unleashes powerful attacks. Whenever prompted, tap jump to dodge. Aside from that, attack the Brawler whenever possible. Once the first is defeated then Heller will gain a new power, Claws.

At this point, Gentek and Blackwater panic a bit. They will unleash a few more infected into the Park. Use the brief pause between the Infected being unleashed and the Brawler's appearance to heal up some. Once the Brawler is there, Heller needs to get more familiar with the Claws power. The Brawler is a lot easier with the backing of the Claws, if only for the increased damage. Once the Brawler is down, it is time for some bonus points.

Guerra does not believe that someone can stand up to Blackwater. A large squad is pitted against Heller. The good news is they are not afraid of him and will relentlessly attack him. Start going around the area and kill all the marked soldiers. Consume when possible to keep up your health. Once the Squad is down, they will call in an APC. Go around and find a Rocket Launcher. Grab it, aim and fire at the APC. Fire off 3 rockets at it to ensure its destruction.

Once the APC is down, start over to the East. Just a short ways away you will find the Church. Head inside to convince Guerra to join your cause.

Info Hunt
After the mission finishes, Heller will undergo his first evolution. Guerra will point out to Heller that there are trucks that roam the area. Inside these are the locations of the people that Heller wants to track down. The first one is to the West of the Church you start at. You will find under light guard. You can either: duck out of sight, shapeshift and approach, approach from behind or above or just kill the guards and go from there. Either way, approach the marker by the Truck and follow the prompts.

Once Heller attempts to access the truck, he will be pointed to Dr. Samuel Billingsley. Climb up any of the nearby building to get a good vantage point and start hunting. A few pulses from height will point out the basic location to the Southeast from the Church. Home in your target and consume him. It is easy enough to do without raising much alert.

Operation Orion's Belt: Stronghold 4-D
With the Doctor consumed, time to head for their facility and break in. Head to the West and slightly to the South. Get over there. Once there, Heller will automatically be placed in front of the facility in his default form. Approach and consume any of the nearby guards. After that, head over to the gate and use the scanner it get inside easily. Once in, head for the Commander. He is marked with a key over his head. Consume him as well and head for the building marked to the Southeast of where he was.

Once inside the building Heller needs to find and stealth consume the Commander. Head to the North and into the next room to find him. Once inside this room you will learn more about using the Hunting ability. When it is time to stealth consume, then Hunting is again handy. You need to consume the commander without any of the soldiers noticing. When the target is highlighted Red during a Hunting sweep, then he can be seen. When the target shows White, then he can be stealth consumed. Consume the Soldier behind the Commander then eat him as well. Head out of the room then take the stairs up along the far wall. At the top of them Heller will find the next door he needs to get through.

Inside this room, you will need to consume the guards to get at your target. When Heller consumes the Doctor, it is apparent he does not know enough. Now head over to the nearby terminal to the West. With that, you are done inside the building, time to head on out.

When you are outside, you learn there are now scanners looking for the virus. Avoid all areas of the map with a dot that is circled. These things can detect Heller, even when shapeshifted. Head to the East. Now just run outside of the facility and you will be home free. Once you clear this part, you will receive your first offensive mutation.