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Kid Icarus: Uprising Walkthrough Part 2: Magnus And The Dark Lord

The objective of your second mission for Lady Palutena will be to find and defeat Dark Lord Gaol, who, despite his intimidating title, will not actually be that challenging of a boss battle. Still, this will mark a significant defeat for Medusa, so it’s off to the Dark Lord’s lair for you and Palutena. You will begin, as always, with an air battle. After an initial salvo of enemy troops flying your way, who should be easily dispatched, lightning will begin to shock the skies. Dodge the lightning as best as you can. If you are struck, it will deal heavy damage to Pit. As you course through the lightning, more enemies will begin to emerge. Your trajectory will swing towards the ground as the enemies converge on you. Blast the baddies out of the sky with your weapon of choice while still being sure to dodge the lightning bolts. As you descend, you will come to the mouth of a cave. A group of enemies will fly down to the mouth of the cave, and you will have to shoot them down. Once the enemies are out of your way, you will automatically fly into the cave. A few recovery orbs will be flying your way, so be on the lookout for them if you are in need of health.

As you emerge from the other side of the cave, a large, whale like creature will float down from the sky to intercept you. This large creature can actually spawn other creatures, so taking him down will be a priority for you right now. Kill this large whale creature and then mop of the area of any enemies that may have spawned from him. From here, you will fly towards a large wall. As you begin to fly up the face of the wall, more waves of enemies will fly down from the top of the screen and attack you. Return fire and send them spiraling back down to the underworld. As you scale the wall, the viewpoint will shift and you will see the underworld forces battling against humans below you. The battle looks desperate.

After you scale the wall, you will be on approach to Gaol’s castle. More swarms of enemies will attack you, but they will all be pretty basic enemy types and easily dealt with. Return fire on the enemies to kill them, and then hone in on Gaol’s castle. You will land on the castle’s ramparts, initiating another ground based combat section.

As you touch down, be on the lookout for food items lying on the ground in front of you. Gobble up the food to restore your health if you lost any during the descent, and then turn to the right to find a lone enemy. Defeat the enemy and move deeper inside of the castle. Hit the switch by the door with a melee attack to trigger it, lowering the door and allowing you entrance. Kill the Monoeye enemy in front of the door and enter the next arena. Drop down into the hallway and grab the flame item. There will be numerous enemies gathered in this hall, so charge up your attacks, stay mobile, and use melee whenever you dash too close to an enemy.

When you are done dealing with the enemies in the hall, loot the treasure chest in the hallway in front of you. Run forward and climb the stairs to find two switches, one on either side of the door. Hit both of the switches in quick succession with melee attacks to open up the door, and proceed inside to the next area. You will encounter a Ganewmede enemy directly on the other side of the door. Since you will already be in close proximity to it as soon as the door opens, just kill it off with melee attacks and make your way forward. You will have to head through two doors to reach the next area.

Proceed to the left while fending off enemies from all sides. Blast them as you approach them to weaken them, and then finish the job with a quick melee strike or two. Head through the door all the way to the left. Here, you will find a treasure chest. Examining it will spawn a group of enemies, though, unless you stay to the far sides of the room and don’t go near the bhest. Head forward to find two legitimate treasure chests. Open both of them up and collect the goodies inside.

Now that you have collected the chests, turn around and defeat the enemies that spawned from the other chest, if they are still in the room. Head back to where you came from. Run across the bridge, defeating the enemies who come at you as you go. Keep moving forward to reach a staircase. Head down the stairs, then check the well to the side to find the Sagittarius Sanctuary. Enter the circle of light in the middle of the room to be blessed with the Sagittarius Bow, a weapon whose strength is based on the Intensity at which you are playing the game. The higher the Intensity, the more power the legendary weapon will command. Now that you have the Sagittarius Bow, turn around and leave to get back to the stairs. Run to their base and you will initiate a cutscene.

Oddly enough, a human will have broken through the castle and will be fighting against Dark Lord Gaol already. The human’s name, as you will soon discover, is Magnus. While Pit and Palutena are in this battle in order to save the world, Magnus is in it purely for the glory and the money. He is a mercenary, plain and simple, but because you both share a common goal, you will team up and take the fight to the Dark Lord. First, though, you will have to help Magnus out with the group of enemies attacking him. Help him defeat Medusa’s creatures and he will join you for the next section of the level.

A bunch of food will appear in front of you, along with a treasure chest. Grab the food to recover any health that you may have lost during the last few battles, and then head into the hole ahead. You will find another group of enemies in this next room, accompanied by a treasure chest. Loot the chest and get ready to fight off the enemies. With the help of Magnus, it should be a piece of cake. Once all of the enemies are dead, head over to the elevator that will open up once the room is cleared. Inside of the elevator, you will find an area with two doors ahead. If you head through the left, you will be able to find a heart and another treasure chest. Don’t be fooled by this treasure chest, though. It is a Mimic in disguise, and it can be very annoyuing if you try to loot it. Feel free to grab the heart, but avoid the chest for sure. O

Once you have the heart, head through the right-hand door to reach a hot spring. Walk into the golden, glowing water to restore Pit’s health to prisinte state. Now head through the door ahead. This will lead you into a large spiral populated by a decent number of enemies. Run through the room killing enemies as you go, with Magnus there to help you out. Run up the spiral to reach a door with a Drink of the Gods in front of it. You know what that means; it’s time to face Dark Lord Gaol. Head through the door and prepare for combat.

Boss Battle: Dark Lord Gaol

Walking through the door will initiate a cutscene introducing Dark Lord Gaol. After this quick cutscene, a battle will ensue. Gaol will be able to teleport around the battlefield, making him difficult to keep track of, especially since you have to use the touch screen to rotate the camera around. You will want to keep up a fast pace in this battle just like Gaol, so that you don’t get hit by his attacks and so that you may counter with a few moves of your won. Using a Staff in this battle can be beneficial, as you will be able to hit Gaol from far away without really worrying about where he is teleporting to.

Although Gaol has numerous attacks and could be quite annoying when faced by yourself, you will have Magnus there to distract him. This will make the battle significantly easier. Let Gaol attack Magnus. When he is distracted by your AI companion, rush in for devastating attacks, then swoop back out and let Gaol get distracted again. By simply letting him beat on Magnus until you get a good opening, you can deal pretty significant damage to Gaol without taking much back yourself.

If the boss does turn his attention to you, you will find that he actually has some pretty annoying attacks. He can spin around to deal damage to a fairly wide are around him, and he can charge up his moves to deal extra damage. When he is far away, he will be able to shoot projectiles at you that deal a small but annoying amount of damage. Finally, he can spawn enemies onto the battlefield. He should only be able to do this once or twice before you kill him. When Gaol spawns enemies onto the battlefield, kill the smaller enemies quickly before returning your focus to Gaol. By letting Magnus do a lot of the distraction work, you should be able to end this fight pretty quickly.


This will mark the end of the second chapter in Kid Icarus: Uprising. You will trigger another cutscene by defeating Gaol, and move on to the third level.