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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 5 – Operation Black Tulip, Operation Manticore

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 5 – Operation Black Tulip, Operation Manticore

Infected Salvage 1-D
Once this op is ready, head over to 187, 1342. There you will find the Black Net Terminal that will point you to the soldier who has information you need. This soldier is Cpl Jeffrey Fasolo. Once you have that, head for 354, 1175.

With that, get a Gentek Soldier and head into the marked area. Approach the cage and use the Hand scanner to unlesah the Brawler inside. Defeat and consume it for an upgrade to your existing powers. This will also set the stage for you to move onto the second part of the operation.

Infected Salvage 1-E
Head back to 187, 1342. Access the Backnet Terminal again. This time you need to track down the soldier, Cpl Tino Antonelli. After that, reaccess the terminal and head for the Lair. The Lair is at 110, 1213. Be sure to take a moment at this site to track down the upgrade target. He will improve your rifle skill. After that, head over to the mound of red and rip yuour way into the lair.

Once inside, a cutscene runs with Infected being chased. After that, head down to the barrier and consume the soldier with the DNA mark ovre his head. This will give a handy EP boost. After that, start dashing through the corridor toward the hand scanner to unleash the Brawler inside it. As you pass through the corridor, have a go at the Infected. They are a great source of health here and will only drop dead as the soliders fire into them.

Once through the corridor, head to the left and Jump Dash over to the container. Either shift into a Gentek Soldier or grab a nearby one and consume them. After that, chase after the Brawler and defeat it. Consume it for a massive amount of EP. With it dead, time to clear out of the Lair and track down the last part of this operation. Of course, after you escape the alert from ripping into the Lair. With that you will complete Operation: Black Tulip

Operation: Manticore

Gentek Support 2-C
Head for the Blacknet Terminal at 258, 953. Once there, you are pointed to Dr. David Castleman. He is around 207, 1022. Dive down int othe parking lot below to find your target. Once you have him dealt with then it is time to seek out the remaining Scientists. You will receive a bonus for not triggering an alert when consuming them. The nearest one is at 154, 1169. Get over there and drop down nearby in as a Scientist or Gentek Soldier. Head past the Gentek guarding the Scientists. Once there, go for the Scientist to the right. He can be consumed easily first. After that, head over to the left and consume the Gentek guard there. With that, you can move in and consume the final Scientist in this set. With that group dispatched, head around a corner and slip out of there. Head over to 256,1237 and 267,1236 to find the second batch of Scientists.

At this location, it takes a bit more to take out the Scientists quietly. Head over to either side and wait for the patrol to go by. Once they have, quickly Stealth consume one of the Scientists if not both. Once they are down, head into the central area. Take out the Soldier near the Scientist to be able to Stealth Consume him. Take out the Scientist.

Suppression 1-F
Head back to the Blacknet Terminal to get an update on who to hunt next. Lt. Cletus Ransom. He patrols the block around 243, 1039. Once you have his memories, time to head over to 312, 1268, a lair.

Once inside, there are a lot of Infected to be dealt with. Inside you also have Scientists that need to be killed before they can escape. You can either do this through stealth or combat. Still, after that, you will also need to kill off all of the Blackwater Troops inside as well. Have fun with the Slaughter. Make sure you had out of there with Full Health.

Back on the surface, Blackwater springs its trap by sending in a large number of soldiers and a few APCs. Use the Tendrils to quickly kill off the APC thus forcing the Commander out. Consume him to finish out the mission. After that, all you need to do is escape.Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 5 – Operation Black Tulip, Operation Manticore

Infected Salvage 1-D
Once this op is ready, head over to 187, 1342. There you will find the Black Net Terminal that will point you to the soldier who has information you need. This soldier is Cpl Jeffrey Fasolo. Once you have that, head for 354, 1175.

With that, get a Gentek Soldier and head into the marked area. Approach the cage and use the Hand scanner to unlesah the Brawler inside. Defeat and consume it for an upgrade to your existing powers. This will also set the stage for you to move onto the second part of the operation.

Infected Salvage 1-E
Head back to 187, 1342. Access the Backnet Terminal again. This time you need to track down the soldier, Cpl Tino Antonelli. After that, reaccess the terminal and head for the Lair. The Lair is at 110, 1213. Be sure to take a moment at this site to track down the upgrade target. He will improve your rifle skill. After that, head over to the mound of red and rip yuour way into the lair.

Once inside, a cutscene runs with Infected being chased. After that, head down to the barrier and consume the soldier with the DNA mark ovre his head. This will give a handy EP boost. After that, start dashing through the corridor toward the hand scanner to unleash the Brawler inside it. As you pass through the corridor, have a go at the Infected. They are a great source of health here and will only drop dead as the soliders fire into them.

Once through the corridor, head to the left and Jump Dash over to the container. Either shift into a Gentek Soldier or grab a nearby one and consume them. After that, chase after the Brawler and defeat it. Consume it for a massive amount of EP. With it dead, time to clear out of the Lair and track down the last part of this operation. Of course, after you escape the alert from ripping into the Lair. With that you will complete Operation: Black Tulip

Operation: Manticore

Gentek Support 2-C
Head for the Blacknet Terminal at 258, 953. Once there, you are pointed to Dr. David Castleman. He is around 207, 1022. Dive down int othe parking lot below to find your target. Once you have him dealt with then it is time to seek out the remaining Scientists. You will receive a bonus for not triggering an alert when consuming them. The nearest one is at 154, 1169. Get over there and drop down nearby in as a Scientist or Gentek Soldier. Head past the Gentek guarding the Scientists. Once there, go for the Scientist to the right. He can be consumed easily first. After that, head over to the left and consume the Gentek guard there. With that, you can move in and consume the final Scientist in this set. With that group dispatched, head around a corner and slip out of there. Head over to 256,1237 and 267,1236 to find the second batch of Scientists.

At this location, it takes a bit more to take out the Scientists quietly. Head over to either side and wait for the patrol to go by. Once they have, quickly Stealth consume one of the Scientists if not both. Once they are down, head into the central area. Take out the Soldier near the Scientist to be able to Stealth Consume him. Take out the Scientist.

Suppression 1-F
Head back to the Blacknet Terminal to get an update on who to hunt next. Lt. Cletus Ransom. He patrols the block around 243, 1039. Once you have his memories, time to head over to 312, 1268, a lair.

Once inside, there are a lot of Infected to be dealt with. Inside you also have Scientists that need to be killed before they can escape. You can either do this through stealth or combat. Still, after that, you will also need to kill off all of the Blackwater Troops inside as well. Have fun with the Slaughter. Make sure you had out of there with Full Health.

Back on the surface, Blackwater springs its trap by sending in a large number of soldiers and a few APCs. Use the Tendrils to quickly kill off the APC thus forcing the Commander out. Consume him to finish out the mission. After that, all you need to do is escape.