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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 11 – Operation Jack-Of-All-Trades, Operation: Red Glacier

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 11 – Operation Jack-Of-All-Trades, Operation: Red Glacier

Head to the Blacknet Terminal at 900, 1263. Take on the appropriate form and access the terminal to learn who your first target is: Lt Barry Pollock. He is found around 823,1254.

Suppression 5-E
Head up the building that you find Pollock by and dash on up. At the top you have 2 Viral Radars to contend with on top of the usual squad of soldiers. There is one of interest along the Western side of the building. Consuming him will grant you a boost to your Launcher Skill. Be sure to get him. After that, you have a few helicopters and the squad to deal with. Immediately head for the higher ground to take out everyone with a Rocket Launcher. Unfortunately, things get more interesting after the first helicopter goes down. They send in some Phase 1 Soldiers. Deal with the Phase 1 Soldiers at ground level, if possible, to avoid the worst of the fire while resolving matters with them. The second Helicopter's pilot will taunt you. Chase him down and run him through.

Cargo Delivery 18-A
Pvt Dane Fontenot. He is located around 831, 1306

Consume him to start into another Cargo Run. Head over to 856, 1233 to get in position to intercept the Helicopter. This one has a total of 23 pieces to gather.

Head immediately to the North from your present location. Once you collect the first two, turn West. Drop down onto the Freeway and charge along it to collect the 5 there. After that, get a good leap to the West to get train track to get at the next set. From there, dash up the nearby building to reach the beginning of the next line. Keep moving and gliding to avoid having to dash up the side and lose some time. Keep jumping and gliding. Whenever you pass over some intel, quickly stop and drop to the ground to gather it.

When you approach the final piece of intel, an Evolved will appear and grab it instead. Time to chase him down. Chase him down. Once you are behind a warehouse, he will engage you. He plays out much like the Doctor Koegin that you had to fight earlier on. After you beat him, this section will come to an end.

Stronghold 7-I
Dr. Edwrd Carolino. He located around 880, 1362.

Consume the Doctor to get the location of a stronghold that needs to get broken into or worse. The “Or Worse” is already happening and for once you did not do it. Keep in your present form and use the Scanner to get inside.

Inside the base, head for the opposite end to get through to the next part. You have a few Brawlers on the loose inside. On top of that, there are a couple Phase 1 Soldiers inside as well. Defeat them all to get Fischer to run out from the bolt hole he is in. Once he is outside, consume him and finish off all remaining Blackwater Troops. With them dead, assume someone's form and step outside. Just leave the base after that to complete the Operation.

Operation: Red Glacier

Infected Salvage 4-B
Dr. Ben Langham. He is found around 780, 1395.

Once he is consumed, it is time to deal with Infected. The base is located around 640, 1448. Head over there and use your present disguise to unleash a pair of Brawlers. The problem here is they take off fast. Chase the pair throughout the city. They will eventually stop so Heller can catch up with them. Be sure that you look at them carefully as one of them offers an upgrade to your Claws. Once that one is down, just tear into the survivor.

Suppression 6-D
Sgt Lance Bertam. He is found around 648, 1441.

Once consumed, it is time for the second part of Operation: Red Glacier. They have apparently developed at least a few Biomass scanners that can identify infected. They are looking for Hellerin particular too. A bad combination when you consider they are mobile Viral Scanner. There is a bonus in this at least where you can take down one of the marked vehicles with the Devastator. Destroy the APCs. Remember to keep moving or hang close to the APCs to avoid most of their damage.

Once those are down, there 3 Helicopters come at Heller. One of them has the Biomass Scanner as well. It does not seem to work so well. Just destroy the helicopters using any means necessary to get through them. When the one with the scanner goes down it will eject the Engineer and deposit it right at Heller's feet. Consume him then escape.

That will conclude Operation: Red Glacier, which grants an Offensive Mutation.