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Kid Icarus Uprising Walkthrough Part 4: The Reaper's Line of Sight

After slaying the Hewdraw, you will be getting introduced to a formidable enemy from the original Kid Icarus game: The Reaper. First, however, you will have to navigate the stormy skies above the Reaper’s lair.

As usual, this level will begin with a volley of enemies coming right at your face. This time, you will have to watch out for a puffer fish-esque enemy who will blow out toxic rings in your direction. If you get hit by the cloud, you will be temporarily poisoned. Fly through the center of the ring to avoid this outcome. Keep blasting the enemies as you fly through the air. Soon, you will automatically turn towards the earth and plummet to the ground. As you fly over the canyon, keep your finger on the trigger, as massive hoards of enemies will be coming at you from all sides. After several minutes of this, you will get your first glimpse of the Reapers. They will be off in the distance. All you will be able to see of them is their glowing red eyes. As you approach, they will see you, turn towards you, and fire lasers in your direction. Dodge the lasers and you will quickly be whisked away to the left to find another path in.

This path will take you down into a canyon. A few more enemies will assault you as you enter the canyon. Blast them away and keep flying ahead. Dodge the stalactites and stalagmites protruding from the sides of the canyon; they will deal pretty heavy damage each time you hit them. As you dodge back and forth, you will have to watch out for enemies firing at you. Shoot them out of the sky and you will turn a corner to the left. This will take you down another section of canyon rife with more obstacles in your way and more enemies to shoot. Keep dodging around the stalactites and stalagmites and time your shots carefully so that you can pick off the enemies without accidentally hitting the walls or the protruding obstacles.

Soon, you will find yourself at the mouth of a large, ominous cave. Stalagmites will protrude from the entrance like a row of jagged teeth. Naturally, you will fly right inside. As you reach the halfway point of the cave, watch out to your left. An opening in the cave’s wall will give you a vantage point from which to shoot a group of enemies and earn some hearts, but you will have to be fast. Hit the rotating pink balls that mark the oyster-like enemy’s weak points to defeat it just in time to exit the cave. As you exit, another wave of enemies will appear and you will be back to dodging protrusions coming from the walls. Dodge up and down to avoid them, and get ready for a tough fight as the canyon narrows.

Several waves of enemies will attack you at once in this section, and you won’t have much room to dodge back and forth because of the canyon’s ever-encroaching walls. Dodge up and down instead of back and forth, then, and keep your finger firmly planted on the trigger to wipe out all comers. As you finally leave the canyon, a welcoming party of several basic enemies will swoop down to greet you. Paint your cursor over them in one quick motion with the trigger held down to kill them and be on your way.

A group of spinning bladed enemies will spawn on the right. Take them out and you will plunge even deeper into the system of canyons. Now you will not only have to watch out for the stone pillars protruding from the sides of the canyon walls, but also the enemies atop them, who will be shooting lasers across the canyon. If you cross the path of the laser, the enemies will fire powerful projectiles into you. Shoot the enemies atop the pillars to clear a path ahead, or, if you can’t do that on time, try to fly under or over them. You will soon enter a tunnel and fly into the light on the other side.

When you emerge, dozens of lasers will be fired in your direction. For the most part, you don’t have to worry about these hitting you, as they will be directed by the AI. Only a few of the lasers actually pose a threat to you, and those are the ones that shoot directly at you from the castle in the center of the area. Stay to the bottom of the screen to avoid most of them, and fly right into the castle. This will mjark the beginning of the ground section of this level.

When you land, head straight forward to pick up some fruits. Eat them to restore your health and then turn to the right and run down the hallway here. You will be blocked by a guillotine. Dash forward, timing your dash just as the guillotine begins its upward movement so that you don’t get damaged by the massive blade. Turn the corner and run through the doorway to reach the next room. This dark room will be pretty linear, so simply follow the illuminated path until you see the Reaper ahead of you. Duck into the alcove to the right as the Reaper begins its patrol. Stay in the dark so that it does not see you; if it does, it will begin to attack, and it can be extremely hard to defeat. Proceed to the end of the hall wand up the stairs to get to the next area.

A magical energy gate will block you into this area until you defeat all of the enemies, the primary of which will be a giant fake nose. It will spew bombs at you, so dash to the sides to avoid them and get in close for a kill.

Run up the curving walkway to the left. Duck into the alcove to the side when the spinning blade passes and grab the health there. Once the spinning blade is behind you, run out of the alcove and sprint up the winding walkway again. Duck into the second alcove to get more food. Another new enemy type will await you at the top of the path. This one will be a large shellfish enemy whose mouth functions as a vacuum. It will try to suck you in close and eat you. Don’t let this happen; push back on the analog nub to resist the enemy’s pull, and fire back as you do so. It should go down quickly enough.

Jump on the purple rail to begin a rail grinding sequence. Shoot the enemies to the left as you grind. When you exit the rail, prepare to battle one of the large whale enemies who spawns new enemies. Shoot the whale down first, as it will be the most annoying. A few other enemy types will spawn at the same time, but they won’t be as high a priority. When you finish off that first wave, a second wave will appear, including another of the vacuum fish. Shoot it first and then take out the two mushroom-like enemies by its side. This will open up another magical gate, allowing you to progress further in the level. Instead of going straight through, though, examine the smaller door to the left to find a room full of breakable objects. Break them all to get hearts, and then blast through the crate in the back left corner to find a treasure chest hidden behind it.

Now run through the large door. When you round the corner, you will have to contend with one of the chalice enemies. Destroy it before it can spawn more snakes and follow your waypoint arrow into a small arena. An Eggplant Wizard will await you in this arena. For those who don’t remember the Eggplant Wizard, this is an annoying enemy from the original Kid Icarus whose magical blasts can turn you into a defenseless eggplant for a short period of time. In the original, you had to visit a hospital to cure your eggplant-itis, but in this sequel Palutena will cure it for you after a few seconds. It’s still annoying, though, so do your best to dash around the Eggplant Wizard’s magical blasts. As you dash, return fire so that you will be sending back the charged-up dash shots instead of just regular puny shots. The Eggplant Wizard is surprisingly tough, so you may have to do this little dance for a while. Don’t be surprised if you end up getting turned into an eggplant more than once during this fight. When you knock the Eggplant Wizard down, run up to him to beat on him with melee attacks for a second or two before retreating to the safety of the other side of the arena.

While fighting the Eggplant Wizard, you should watch out for some of his more elusive moves that can put him startlingly close to you in a relatively short amount of time. He can teleport around, moving out of the way of your fire in a quick amount of time. He can also jump up higher than the screen can see, only to appear again right behind you. Combined with his ability to turn you into a harmless vegetable, this makes the Eggplant Wizard an annoying enemy to battle. Despite his surprisingly large health bar and tricky attacks, this enemy will eventually die and open up the path to the next room.

Head through the unlocked door and follow the path to the left. You will see a treasure chest over a gap to the left, and a group of swinging scythes over the path to the right. Watch out for falling into the circular hole in front of the chests, as it will drop you right into the middle of a spike pit filled with enemies and pools of poisonous liquid. If you do fall down here, sprint to the left to find a series of jump pads that will send you back to the beginning of the area. Instead of going for the treasure chest right away, run down the elevated walkway to the right. Time your run so that you miss the first scythe, and then take a break before running past the second. As you pass the second scythe, another of the odd vacuum fish will emerge and try to suck you in. Shoot it as you sprint towards it, and if necessary finish it off with a few melee strikes when you get close enough. Just watch out for its swipe attack.

When you finish off the fish, head through a door on the right. Look to the opposite side as the jump pad to find a small door. Head through the door and take the elevator inside of the next room upstairs. Here you will find an Intensity Gate with a level of 5. If you are playing at an Intensity of 5 or higher, you can enter the gate to take out the enemies inside and get some sweet loot. Return to reality, take the elevator downstairs, leave the door, and take the jump pad up to the next area. This will plant you outside of a castle gate. Open up the gate and watch out for the Reaper patrolling inside. Follow shortly behind the Reaper as it makes a circle around the area. You will find a jump pad. Take it up to find an item on a raised platform. Jump back down and smash the crates at the end of the area to open up a bridge path. Keep following the Reaper around to find a second jump pad. This will take you up to reach a piece of chicken, which you can eat for more health. Follow behind the Reaper until you reach the point you were at before, right in front of the bridge. Take the bridge across, open up the door on the other side, and investigate the room to the left. You will find an enemy. Destroy the enemy and dash to the left to find a jump pad leading to a treasure chest.

Return back to the lower floor and follow your waypoint arrow to a flowing pit in the ground. Jump down and dash ahead through the door. Run out into the arena ahead to find several floating mushroom enemies. Blasting off their caps will casue them to fall to earth and run around frantically. A few more blasts should do it. A large, armored crab enemy will spawn, along with one of the enemies who spews out poisonous gasses. Dodge the poisonous gas clouds and the crab’s spinning attacks. First, blast the poisonous puffball out of the sky. Then, dodge the crab’s spins until it gets dizzy and takes a moment to rest on its back. This is your moment to attack. Dash up to the enemy and whack it repeatedly with melee attacks to kill it.

This will trigger a third wave of enemies to spawn. Dash around the arena, avoiding their fire. These enemies will be weaker and less damaging than the last waves worth of enemies, so simply try to hold out as you strafe around shooting them. When all of the enemies are dead, another purple grind rail will appear. This time, you will have to shoot the giant, pulsating pinkish-purple spots on the walls in order to extend the grind rail as you grind. Fail, and you will be dumped off at ground floor for another try. A few enemies will try to hamper your progress as you grind upwards, but don’t let them bother you. Focus all of your attention on hitting the spots on the wall instead. There are four in all. The rail will deposit you at a large door. Take the door and ride down in the elevator inside. You will find an item waiting for you, as well as three different paths. The path to the left leads to a rejuvenating hot spring, so be sure to head down here as you probably need to heal. The path to the right leads to a Reaper in a poisonous spring. Watch out, as he will attack if you stay for too long.

The center path, through the large imposing door, leads to a boss battle against the master of the Reaper’s lair. You will have to dodge past a few more guillotines in order to get there, though. When you enter the next room, adorned with chains on the wall, watch out for the swarm of enemies that will fly out. Dodge to either side of the room in order to avoid them. This will lead you into battle with a giant Reaper.

Boss Battle: King of the Reapers

This enemy will be very large, large enough to crush you if it wants to. Luckily enough, you will be fighting in a two-tiered arena. A winding staircase to your right will lead down to the bottom level. A jump pad to the left of where the stairs let out will serve to catapult you all the way back up to the top level, should you need to get back up in a hurry and the stairs are not an option.

The King of the Reapers will have attacks that are tailored to each level, so it will be able to hit you no matter which level you currently occupy. At the top level, it will shoot a laser beam at you. You will have to dash around or drop down to the lower floor to avoid this attack. On the bottom floor, the King of the Reapers will stomp around and try to crush you underfoot. This attack is a little harder to avoid, just by the virtue of the fact that you will not be able to simply drop down to another level to avoid it. Try to use the dash move to get out of the way of the giant Reaper’s stomping. The jump pad can also get you out of the way in a pinch. The King of the Reapers will also have a giant scythe that he will sometimes use to swipe at you no matter which level you are on. If you see him winding up for this damaging attack, back away, out of the small radius of the scythe.

As you dodge the giant Reaper’s attacks, always be sure to keep firing. The King of the Reapers will have two weak spots, one in his forehead and one in his feet. This way, you will be able to conveniently hit one no matter which floor you are on. Just for the sake of being able to dodge more attacks, it is recommended that you come at this battle primarily from the top floor, so that you can jump down to the lower floor in case of emergency before taking the jump pad back up. Just keep up your fire on the King of the Reaper’s head and feet, and you should deal enough damage to take him out for good.


This battle will end the fourth chapter, The Reaper’s Line of Sight. You will get plenty of hearts and loot for downing the King of the Reapers. Take it back and examine it before preparing for the next level and the next fight.