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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 20 – Operation: Clockwork

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 20 – Operation: Clockwork

Gentek Support 15-G
Dr. Alexander Murray. Located around 691, 293

Hijack the Helicopter is the first order of business after you hunt down your target. Head over to 522, 437, a rooftop. Here you are given the first bonus: Kill the Fliers without taking damage. This is a little trickier than it sounds since they are very mobile compared to helicopter. Just take advantage of your range though and they will go down easily enough. There are about 6-8 of them. Once they are down, head over to the lit area on the roof to pick up the first of the Scientists.

Time to head for the second Scientist. He is found around 683, 144, a park. This batch has number of Fliers coming at you in addition to a Hydra attacking the nearby defenders of the Scientist. Take them down much the same as you did the last set. After that, land and pick up the Scientist. Once more to go.

The final Scientist is located around 552, 92, a street between a few skyscrapers. This poses its own unique problem. You are presented with a bonus to defeat the Hydra without taking any damage. This time it means from any source. You have the Hydra below and a number of Fliers coming at you as well. For the Fliers, head to above the buildings to give yourself a lot of maneuvering space. After that, head down below to face the Hydras.

Once you have all the Scientists they will ask you to take them over a Base. As you close on the location, they will reveal the nature of Project: New Templar. Heller refuses to consume them and instead the objective is to take the Helicopter to maximum altitude and jump out. Just fall down and move a little away to enjoy the crash. This will finish out this part of the Operation.

Infected Salvage 8-D
Cpl Kevin Duke.

Head over to 569, 398. They have apparently captured a Goliath. Things go so terribly wrong after that. You have a Goliath to take down after that. The good news is full Military support is on hand. This makes it very easy to weaponize. Bullets are not too useful while missiles will inflict decent damage. More than anything just keep moving. Goliaths are big, slow and powerful any ways. Just keep things like that in mind. Also, Heller is much better off in a Helicopter than he is inside a Tank. Just focus on the Goliath and ignore the small arms fire. Take down the Goliath to finish this segment of the Operation.

Infected Salvage 8-A
Elwood Pine. Located around 652, 235. He is Evolved so expect a fight.

Time for the last segment of Operations. After you take down Elwood, head for the base at 415, 281. There you have some Infected to take care of once you get inside. When you arrive, you need to consume the Commander to get inside. It is tricky but stealth or combat will work here. Whatever happens outside will not affect what is going on inside. When you make it all the way inside, you can release the specimens that Mercer has modified. You are given a bonus if you consume 5 of the Infected. Here's the catch of this one: there are 6 targets: between 3 Juggarnauts and 3 Brawlers. They will be coming you as all of the Blackwatch/Gentek team is going to be shooting at them as well. They will released in sets of 3 thankfully.

The first set is comprised of 2 Brawlers and 1 Juggarnaut. The second is 2 Juggarnauts and 1 Brawler. Limit the chances that Blackwater can take them down by focusing first on anyone with a Rocket Launcher. After that, go after the Infected. It is easy enough following that mindset to complete the bonus. Now just escape the Alert and you have complete all of the Blacknet missions!