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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 21 – Fly in the Ointment

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 21 – Fly in the Ointment

The first part of this mission is to hunt and consume Lincoln. You can find him around the base at 741, 211. Stealth consume him as he walks around the base. After that, head for the nearby marked helicopter. Remember to avoid making too much of a statement when getting there.

Once you are inside the helicopter it will be time to get over to Commander Ellis. He will immediately join you. Time for Heller to escort the Commander for a while. You are given a bonus for this section: Kill 2 Infected with guns and 2 with the Rocket Launcher. Considering you are inside a Helicopter, you have plenty of access to stuff like that.

While en route to the conference you will encounter 3 groups of flies. Keep close to the Commander to ensure that he does not take any damage for now. Once that is completed then Heller is called over to the base where the conference is happening. Around it you need to destroy 4 Hydras. Just keep a good altitude to get a lock but high enough it is easy to defend against them throwing pieces of asphalt at you.

Only when you have fended off the Infected attack on the base does the Commander's helicopter go down. The site is under attack from 3 Hydras and 2 Juggernaut. Take them down and an APC will show to escort Commander Ellis over to the meeting site. The first encounter they will have is a pair of Brawlers and a Hydra. Take them out quickly to avoid anything bad happening to the APC. The next encounter is 3 Hydras. Just lay into them as best you can. Start on the outside one then focus on the two that are adjacent. Follow the APC on and you will arrive at the next ambush. It is another trio of Hydras. Just keep moving and shooting to take them down quickly. Turn a few corners and you are in for a big ambush. There are 3 Hydras and an equal number of Brawlers. Focus more on the Hydras as APCs are well suited to take down Brawlers. Still, the more you shoot, the more Infected seem to appear

Once they are all down, get into the base and land. As you do, the Infected will surround the base and start to to attack it. Time to give some love over to the Commanders in the confusion. Get over there and consume them. They are all grouped together. Just consume them all. The good news is here there are no surprises so just have at them. Once you have consumed your targets then it is time to get out of there and escape the alert.