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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 6 – Kaiser-Friedrich Museum

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 6 – Kaiser-Friedrich Museum

Retrieve the munitions from the nearby park
Go prone immediately and pull out your binoculars. Look straight up to the ruined portion of the building directly in front of you. There is an enemy sniper prone there. Now that you have seen him and have your shot, pull out your rifle and take him out. Next, look across the street to the building with the angels on it. There is some wooden scaffolding toward the right-hand edge of it. There you can find another sniper. Take him out then focus your fire on the soldiers on the street.

Head forward and drop down out of the house Kurt starts in. In this lowered area you will encounter a solitary surviving soldier. Remedy that however you would like to. Head up the short set of stairs and go right. Keep low as some more soldiers will arrive. One will head out onto the street while the other largely remains inside the house you need to trek through next. Take them out then head on into the house.

Inside the house, turn to the right immediately. Go into the far room and turn left inside it. There you will find a Gold Bar sitting on the dresser there. Now head to the stairs inside the house and go down. You will happen upon 2 soldiers talking who mention a sniper rifle being dropped. Wait for the other to leave, take out the remaining soldier in the building and head outside through the hole in the wall.

Go to the right-hand side and hang to that for the length of this trench. When you reach the door into the next building, go to the opposite side of it to claim a Gold Bar. Head into the house and take the stairs in front of you upwards. Head for the first room on the left. There is a soldier  in here you nee to take out. Do so and head into the room. Just to the left of the door is another Gold Bar.

Head up the nearby stairs and sneak into the room at the top of the stairs. There is a soldier there which you can easily stealth kill. Keep to the front of the house and slip over to the right. Once you make it to the corner, slip forward into the next room. There are 3 soldiers in there that can be stealth killed if you are careful or can get a nice rifle shot lined up for a double kill. Once they are all dead, head inside the room and claim the Mosin Sniper Rifle that is sitting on the table there.

Reaching the Bridge
Leave the room you got the sniper rifle but go over to one of the windows facing the park. Look for the pagoda that is in there. You will spot 2 soldiers patrolling there which you can take out. If you look by the left part of the entrance you will spot a Bottle.

Now head down the stairs and out the nearby door to the street. There are 5 soldiers at the end of the street. There is also a sniper on the rooftop of the building on the left. Take them out and a few more soldiers appear to be shot. Take them down then start for the bridge itself. As you approach the far end of the street, go prone and look at the mansion across the river. By the last window on the right there is a Sniper that has his sights on the bridge. Take aim at him before you get too close to the bridge itself. After that, head into the building to the left of the bridge through the hole closest to the bridge. Head forward and slip down through the hole in the wall.