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Tera Walkthrough: Unrest in the Forest

If you talk to Centurion Kishale at the Northern Checkpoint of the Island of Dawn, she mentions that many ghilliedhus wander near here. They resemble walking trees, and they are dangerous. She warns you to beware them.

Unrest in the Forest
Kishale: A searching eye sees many ghilliedhus between here and your duties. Demonstrate your combat skills so that we might know how best to use you. Watch their limbs - It's best to block or dodge when they swoop downward. When exhausted or injured, rest here at the fire or speak to the clerics.

Your objective is to trim back the ghlliedhus. Your quest tracker shows:
Ghilliedhu 0/4

Meaning you have killed zero out of the four required monsters. Travel a bit southeast and into the Timeless Woods. You are now looking for monsters that have a yellow exclamation mark displayed above them. These yellow exclamations mark the monsters as a quest objective. You should find plenty of them in the area. Kill 4 of those monsters. The quest tracker will update with each kill you make.

Tera Kill Ghilliedhus

If this is the first time you have fought since the Prologue, you might have noticed that all the powers you had in the prologue are gone, and that you are level 1 instead of the level 20 you were when doing the prologue. This is because the prologue was a tutorial of sort, and required you to have all the powers so that you can learn to use your character better. But once you are out of the prologue area, you go to level 1 and start as normal, with only the core powers. But you will regain your other skills and powers as you level up.

After killing four of the monsters, the quest tracker tells you that it should be enough for Kishale. Go back to her and speak with her. She tells you that the skills shown today inspire hope in all present. Your demonstration lends strength to weary troopers, but it also spawns questions...

Collect your reward from her, consisting of an item and experience points. This complete the mission, Unrest in the Forest.