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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 7 – Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, Part 2

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 7 – Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, Part 2

Plant the explosives on the bridge supports
After you drop out of the building, head down the stairs. First approach the crane that has its arm over the river. By its base you will find a Gold Bar. Head to the far side of the bridge and approach the two supports. Plant a set of explosives on each then it is time to get in position to blast them to bits with a bullet. Now finish crossing the river and climb up to the opposite bank.

Reach the vantage point
Head over to the right and toward the opening in the building wall. If you need some ammo then head down the stairs to the left and cut back to the right to find an ammo dump. Otherwise, climb into the building and get into a crouch immediately. There are 3 soldiers nearby and all of them are lazing about. Approach the one in the chair first, then the one in the doorway and finally the one in the hallway. You must work quickly to get the one in the hallway as he will start moving at a point.

Get to the end of the hallway and start into the small courtyard to the left. There are a few soldiers patrolling around here so be wary of them. The courtyard offers plenty of cover so you can either sneak by them or go for stealth kills. Make for the southern wall and take cover by it. There is another pair of soldiers patrolling around here, one is the same corridor as you and the other in a nearby adjacent one. You can either take them out or just head to the north and up the stairs toward the vantage point.

At the top of the stairs, to the left of them, is another soldier. Take him out quietly then continue to the left. Keep going that way into the following room which is a hallway. There is a boarded up hole in the wall with 2 soldiers by it. You can either pick them off from a distance or get in close for a pair of quick stealth kills. Press on forward to another soldier looking through a blasted out window. Take a moment and lay a trip-wire from one side of this corridor to another. It will help you out soon enough.

With the soldiers in this hallway dead, start climbing up the scaffolding. At the top, quickly go over to the wooden platform. Take aim at either of the charges you laid down earlier and blast it as the tank reaches it.

Destroy the Russian Tank
Once the bridge is out all the remaining soldiers will start firing on your location. Turn to the left and look at the building close to the far end of the other bridge. There is a sniper on the roof that needs to be taken out. There is also a tank in their number. It will be coming along the far path through the park. You can get some extra points for first sniping the commander there.

Once the tank is down, you are free to start leaving this level. Take out whatever troops you feel you must then start back down the scaffolding. Some soldiers will approach and set off the trip-wire that you laid earlier. Now head for the scaffolding coming off of the building. Go prone and scope the building dead opposite you. Along the roof edge is another sniper gunning for you. Be sure to also take some time to clear out the opposing forces from this view point.

Once they are all down, it is safe to get down to ground level. Head over toward the ruined building. First through, go down the stairs to the river and turn left. By the crane at that end is another Gold Bar. Pass through the ruined building quietly as more troops appear as you do so. There are only 5 of them but they do stand between you the exit. Kill them off and move forward through cover. More troops will appear from the left side of the road and at the back of it. This includes one at a machine gun and a sniper. The sniper is to the left of the standing pillar on the rooftop. On top of that pillar you will also also find a Bottle. Kill any remaining troops and then sprint for the final marker.