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Tera Walkthrough: Always After Me Lucky Charms

Talkt o Milene the Rest Guide in the Tower Base:

Always After Me Lucky Charms
You don't have to stand idle when you're recharging at a campfire. You can make an offering to the gods with a charm and earn some good fortune - and power - for yourself. Open your inventory and you'll see an Onslaught Charm. Right Click on it when you're recharging. Then come back.

Use an onslaught charm while standing next to a campfire. To receive benefits, wait until your stamina is 100% or more. She gives you an onslaught charm.

Open your inventory to find:

Onslaught Charm
Sell Value: 1S 00C
Using this charm near a campfire gives a random "attack" effect that varies based on your stamina.

Right click on it, and you should see the message "You have successfully used the onslaught charm!"

On the top right corner you should see a buff icon, showing you the effect you received, such as:

"You have been charmed by the aroma of a burnt talisman. Once in combat, your max HP will increase for up to 15 minutes".

Note that if you already have a charm effect on you, when you attempt to use the charm it will tell you something like:
Lesser Relentless charm affects your abilities. A more powerful effect already exists. Lesser Keen Charm cannot apply.

After using the charm talk to Milene, who explains more to you about charms:
You did it! Now look high on the right of your UI. You'll see an icon for the charm you received. Mouse over it for a description. The benefit fades when your Stamina drops too low, so recharge at a campfire every so often. If you're fighting, a break every 30 minutes should suffice. You can use up to three charms at once.

Click on "For the Federation!" to complete the quest and get your XP and gold.