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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 16 – Kreuzberg HQ, Part 2

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 16 – Kreuzberg HQ, Part 2

Look for Wolff's plans in his Office
Once inside, things are calm for a moment. Take a moment and plant a Trip-Wire mine just inside the office building's entrance and the hallway's entrance. After that, just have over to the marker. Things go smoothly enough. Be sure to grab the ammo both on your way in and out. The minute the cutscene finished from you going into the office, it is back to combat.

Find Information that could lead you to the launch site
Move forward and take cover close to the end of the hallway. Do this quickly while the troops are still getting off the truck. Rest a moment there to let the troops spread some. This will also get them to trip the mines you laid a little earlier too. Take out the troops on the ground but also keep an eye on the rooftop ledges. Along the left-hand side is a German Sniper that needs to be dealt with as well.

As you cross over, 4 more soldiers will show up to stop you. 2 will take up positions behind the sand bags while the other 2 will move around some. Pick them off quickly nad head into the marked building on the opposite side of the plaza.

Once inside the building, just head up the stairs. Take a left at the top of the first flight of stairs. To the left, by the fireplace, is a Gold Bar. Go up the third flights of stairs to get to your destination. Turn left and enter the marked room.

Exflitrate via the Rooftops
Time to make your get away. This means crawl over to the right, through the door you came through. Dash up the stairs to get to the top of the building. Hit the ground immediately as there are at least 2 Snipers on rooftops looking for you. Move over to the left of the stairs into the next room. There is a locker now between you and one of the snipers. He is dead opposite you underneath the “H” on the billboard. The second is on the building to the right of the sign. There is a Balcony below the roof that runs the length of the building. The second sniper has a position along there. He likes to move around after taking a few shots, making him harder to peg down. There is also a Bottle along that ledge as well. Search for it after you have dealt with the Snipers. After those 2 are down, head to the right up the plank ramp.

As you make it onto the rooftop ledge, 2 more Snipers will appear and start gunning at you. One is on the scaffolding above where the second Sniper was. The other is to the left of where the first Sniper was. He is on the top floor of the building you may have used to cross through the plaza the first time. After those 2 are down, then move forward and go through the first open window on your right. Head into the back-left corner of the room to find another Gold Bar. Collect the bar and advance on the right-hand window. There are 2 more Snipers out there now. One is in the window to the right of dome at the very top of the area.

Once inside the room with the bar, 2 more Snipers will appear. One is in the dome itself. The second is to the left at the top of the building just to the left of the dome and very high up. All you need to do to finish this mission is dash over to the marker and through the nearest open window.