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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 15 – Kreuzberg HQ, Part 1

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 15 – Kreuzberg HQ, Part 1

Reach the Subway to infiltrate the German Headquarters
Head forward and start off to the east, to your left, through the building. Get over to the edge and drop down to the level below. Keep against the Eastern wall though. Before you emerge onto the street, there is a Sniper at the far Eastern end of the street that needs to be taken care of. Look at the balcony 2 levels down down from the “Hotel” sign on top of the building. Find him and take him down. When the fighting between the Germans and the Russians wraps up on the street you are on, they will focus on you. Once they have been dealt with, it is time to move forward to the East.

As you cross the midpoint in the street, 3 more soldiers will appear looking for you. Get behind some cover immediately so you have the advantage. Take care of them quickly. Get to the end of the street and immediately get into cover. It is time to face off against a few Germans now. Pick them off while you are still on the opposite side of the river as them.

Head across to where the Germans just were. You have a few Germans come at you as you make it over. You also have a few come from the other side as well. IF you are going to shoot it out, you better find some decent cover. In addition to all the soldiers on the ground there is also a Sniper to the West of your present location. He is found on the third floor on the right-hand side of the Western Building. Otherwise, just focus on taking out a few Germans in front of you and sprinting for the Subway that is just ahead and around the corner.

*As you head down the street toward the subway, on the Southern side of the river, head into the first building on the left you enter. Go into the back room on the left to find a Gold Bar.

Take cover at that convenient box that is by the corner. Around it you will find 3 Soldiesr waiting for you to show up. Take them out and move down the street. Just at the end of it you will find the entrance to the Subway.

Get into Wolff's Office
Head through the tunnel, making a right, to the next set of stairs. You will emerge to only a few soldiers but you are also aided by bombs dropping to potentially cover your shots. Take out the soldiers carefully to make it all the way up to the office without being seen too much.

If you want a stealthier approach, then turn your focus over to the left part of this plaza first. There is a blasted out building in this portion and a guard patrolling over to the right of the building. Take out the soldier patrolling to the right of the building, on the far side of the plaza. Also, take out the soldier that is resting inside the house. Sneak over into the house and slip down to the level below. Once you reach some windows facing the office you are headed for, turn your attention to the windows to the left of the entrance. There is a soldier there with a machine gun. There are also 3 soldiers patrolling in front of the building. Mask the sounds of your shots to take them all out and it much safer to approach the target. Do note that the last soldier will only appear after you have taken the 2 in front of the office down. Just kill him quickly when he reveals himself.

Either way, once it is clear, get inside the Office building that is marked.