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Starhawk Walkthrough Part 10 – The Source

Starhawk Walkthrough Part 10 – The Source

Search for Logan
No support from Cutter when you start this mission. For once, Emmett is on his own to get through to Logan. Head up the slope to your right, gun at the ready. You get a quick cutscene once Emmett announces that he is heading for the Rift Drive.

When you get over the second hill, you find a number of Scabs that survived the blast as well. Pull out one of your guns and fix that little problem. There are only 4 Scabs so blast them away. After the Scabs are dead, head past the wreckage. You will enter into a canyon where 4 more Scabs will slip out of the sides and attack you.

Once that set is dead, keep up the pace and run up the slope toward the marker. Collect the L3 Railgun and use it to take out the 3 visible Scabs. After that, go down the slope and 4 more Scabs will appear to come at you. Kill them all and head on up the far slope and drop down to the ramp below it. Just keep moving on forward. Be sure to swing by the left-hand side of the next slope to get another gun and lots of ammo.

This next area is a bit more interesting. You have 2 Apex Warriors at the opposite end throwing bombs at you. Use the Rail gun to pick them off safely or whatever you would like. Take them out and approach the Rift Core. Time to fight Logan

Defeat Logan
He will strafe to the left and get behind the barrier there to start. Just keep the pressure on until until the screen goes blue on the edges as the Rift energy inside Emmett surges. Once the blue fades, you are in control again. This will happen 4 times through the fight. Just keep running and gunning until Logan falls to his knees. When it would happen a fifth time, the battle is over.

A cutscene runs with Emmett about to finish his brother when the rift tries to pull Emmett in again. The brothers struggle and Emmett sucks the Rift energy out of Logan. HE returns to his former self for a few moments before the Rift grabs him and ...

Defeat the Rift Entity
The biggest monster to date pops its ugly head out of the Rift Logan got pulled into. The good news is Cutter is back in contact with you. This means you have a number of options for things you can get in and everything your Dropship Annabelle has to offer is up for grabs.

Get an Outpost up so you have some friends for this fight. After that, drop a Beam Turret and everything else you can think of that will give you a break from the massive attacks this thing can throw at you

As for dealing with the Rift Entity, it really is just go at it with everything you have. You can hop in a Mech and shoot at it but keep on the ground. It will otherwise let loose massive amounts of homing rocks. This can decimate the Hawk faster than anything else. It loves to shower the area with meteors and Undead Scabs …. do not ask. Just keep the fire going at it and keep a Beam Turret up. That will ensure the Entity goes down

Defend the Rig
Once the Enity retreats into the Rift itself, drop a Rift Extractor on it and get ready for more fighting. Scabs start coming in from behind you. Just keep blasting the Scabs until the Entity makes a second appearance. For now, you effectively have a regenerating Rift Energy Supply and a high limit. This means go to tower and build whatever you want.

Defeat the Rift Entity
The Entity will appear again and it is angry. Drop in a Launch Pad and get in a Hawk to take it on in the skies of Sever. This thing remains very freaking tough. Drop a Beam Turret in addition to your Launch Pad and add them whenever you have the energy. The good news is it follows a single path and repeats it. The bad news it it will be constantly bombarding the area where the rift with Asteroids, it a homing attack (though the homing part is weak, the attack is not) and it will spit out debris into the sky that overs until destroyed.

Cap the Rift
Once the Entity retreats into the Rift again, slap another Rift Extractor on it. This thing is not a happy camper and it is almost certainly not the end of the fight. Once again, Scabs appear out of the ground and start charging at your base. Gear up and fight them off!

Defeat the Rift Entity
This time the Entity has a lot more tricks up its sleeve. Any structures near where it spawns will be destroyed in only a few attacks. It now starts to use a Slam attack where it unleashes a trail of energy that attacks structures. Start throwing down Beam Turrets and keep them in play. It will make sure that the entity takes a lot of damage and it will the battle come to an end.

Once it goes down, drop a final Rift Extract on it. Congratulations, you just beat the campaign for Starhawk!