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Game Of Thrones Walkthrough Part 5 – Character Creation Part 4 – Strengths

Game Of Thrones Walkthrough Part 5 – Character Creation Part 4 – Strengths

You start with 3 points you can invest into Strengths. These must be equal to the Weakness that you choose. This is purely optional to add flavor and bonuses to your character.

Born Leader – 4 Points
“Your leadership skills motive your teammates and your allies.”
Effect: Damage +7% for your teammates and allies
Cannot choose Bad Leader Weakness

Leech – 3 Points
The sight of blood fuels your desire for battle.”
If your opponent's Bleeding: Damage +15%
Cannot choose Hematophobia Weakness

Acrobat – 3 Points
“Your keen sense of balance allows you to deflect blows more skillfully.”
Deflection +6%
Cannot choose Greyscale Weakness

Gifted – 2 Points
“Your aptitude for learning allows you to pick up skills more quickly than most.”
+2 skill points per level
Cannot choose Witless Weakness

Art Of Medicine – 2 Points
“You are a master of the curative arts.”
Health gained from healing flask is increased by 15%
Cannot choose Clumsy Weakness

Master Of Poisons – 2 Points
“Your knowledge of toxins allows to wield them more skillfully than most.”
Poison Impact Duration +3 sec
Cannot choose Clumsy Weakness

Brute – 2 Points
Your overwhelming miht is too much for enemies, giving you a chance to stun them.
Chance to inflict the state Stunned (3s) with each attack: 2%

Honed Reflexes – 1 Point
“Countless battles have tuned your reflexes so finely that you can now avoid the worst situations without even thinking.”
Critical Hit Damage Resistance +10%

Adventurer – 1 Point
“Your senses are well developed.”
Chance of bonus loot +5%

Accurate – 1 Point
“You strike with precision, able to probe and exploit the weaknesses in your opponent's armor.”
Chance of inflicting Bleeding (6s) for each attack: 1%

Ambidextrous – 1 Point
“You are particularly comfortable with a weapon in each hand.”
Critical hit chance +2% with two weapons.

Assassin – 1 Point
You are comfortable handling small blades (daggers and short swords).
Attack speed +2% with a dagger or a shortsword.

Bruiser – 1 Point
“Your physical strength makes you more effective at using two-handed heavy weapons.”
Damage +2% with a two-handed weapon.

Dexterous – 1 Point
“Your natural dexterity gives you an innate proficiency with a ranged weapon.”
Hit chance +2% with a ranged weapon.

Parry – 1 Point
“You are an expert at parrying attacks with your shield.”
Damage resistance +2% using a shield