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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 8 – For This Night and All Nights to Come, Part 2

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 8 – For This Night and All Nights to Come, Part 2

Objective 2: Track down Cregan, a veteran who is leading a patrol headed west to the abandoned fort of Icemark.

Head to the right through the gate that Mormont and the Recruits pass through. Approach the recruits once they stop by the gate and you can talk with them. You can get some fear into them or indulge them. After you have a word with them then you want to head on down the slope. This will take you to the map screen.

Map Tutorial
Choose your destination and Left-click to confirm it. Off you go.

Once there, head on forward toward the gate in front of you. Here, things get explained on how to change out your weapon set. Turn to the right and head through the door there. As you approach the door, a Wildling will come out charging at you. Mors is concerned as Cregan should have arrived at Icemark already. It is also unusual for Wildlings to be in this area.

Just inside the door, turn to the right. Right next to the door is some loot for you. Now head up the stairs that are close by. Follow them up to the top. There you will find a pair of Wildlings waiting for you. Defeat them one at a time. Loot and head down the hallway to the left. You will find Cregan, dying.

Objective 3: “We cannot ignore the presence of wildings south of the Wall. Use the keys given to Cregan to explore all of Icemark.”

Loot Cregan's body to get the keys. You will also get “A Ranger's personal belongings” and a Flask.

Tutorial: Equipping flasks
“After collecting a flask, you can fill it with different substances at a potions merchant. When used carefully, they can make all the difference during combat.”

Equip the flask to your belt and speak with a potions merchant. They will fill it with the substance you desire. Go into your inventory and double-click on the flask under the belt items tab. Afterward, click on any flask slot to equip the Dreamwine that you got with it.

Now turn around and head over to the back left-side of the room. You can loot the crate there for 1 silver, 7 copper. Now head over to the door by Cregan and head through. With the key it is no problem to get into the courtyard beyond it. Head through the door and slightly over to the left. Time for another tutorial.

Tutorial: Changing Characters
If you have a teammate, you can play as that character by hitting “tab” or by clicking on their portrait.

With that in mind, it is time to approach the Wildlings in the courtyard and take out the trio of them. Switch between Mors and the Noble to take out the first 3. Once they go down, more will appear.

Tutorial: Restoring Energy
“Using abilities spends energy, which is slowly recovered during combat. To speed up energy recovery press the '9 Button.' This will add the recovery ability to your character's action queue.” This has a 20 second cooldown, so be wary on using it.

Kill the pair that attacked you. Not long after they appeared, some Wildling archers will also make their appearance. Just attack them and with your party, they will go down soon enough.

With the Wildlings dead, head back into the courtyard. Loot any bodies on the way. Get over to the pyre they had going. Loot the burned corpse to get the Brother's Personal belongings. After that you will want to head to the left of it through the door over there.

As Mors goes to open the door, a pair of Wildings appear in the cutscene. They have Whited out eyes which is odd enough. One will also throw their axe into the face of one of the new Brothers.

Tutorial: Interrupting opponent attacks
“When you see an opponent preparing to use an ability,  you can interrupt the attack by using an interrupt ability (requires the right timing). If you don't have any, use the 'Targeted Strike' ability with Terrance as your ally.”

You are now actively encouraged to interrupt the Wildlings abilities. If you see them rearing back then you will want to either use your own abilities or Terrance's interrupt ability. Use the interrupt as the ability icon appears over their lifebar.

Once the fight is over, Mors will be talking with one of the Wildlings, Grendel. You can let the boy do something or you can claim the Wildling. Either way there are more choices to make. Most of them will yield information on Gorn and where you will want to head to intercept him.