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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 10 – Alester – Character Creation Part 7 – Classes

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 10 – Alester – Character Creation Part 7 – Classes

Water Dance
“The water dancer practices a style of combat which allows him to combine deftness, speed and agility, making him a highly effective swordsman. He usually fights with a one-handed weapon and he is very mobile, thanks to his light armor. He is thus well able to dodge enemy blows, which makes him very difficult to hit.”

Preferred Equipment
Swords, Blunt Projectiles, Short Blades, Light Amor

Main Stance: Intensity
“You rely on your responsiveness and your agility to take advantage of your opponent's weaknesses. This stance uses a one-handed weapon.”

Secondary Stances:
Master Water Dancer, Dexterity, Frenzy

“An archer is a warrior that specializes in fighting at a distance. His scouting duties mean that he must travel light, and as such an archer is generally seen clad in light armor. An archer is still a capable hand-to-hand fight, but he prefers to immobilize targets and maintain separation between himself and his foes.”

Preferred Equipment:
Bows, Crossbows, Light Armor

Main Stance: Dexterity
You wield your accuracy and guile to inflict damage from range. This stance requires a ranged weapon.

Secondary Stances:
Elite Archer, Intensity, Assassination

“The selllsword, or mercenary, is a quick-witted and fast-moving fighter who can adapt to any situation, something which makes him very effective on the battlefield. He prefers one-handed weapons, in which he has become specialized, and this allows him to inflict significant damage while being able to absorb a good deal of punishment thanks to his medium armor.”

Preferred Equipment
Swords, Hammers, Short Blades, Medium Armor

Main Stance: Assassination
“The assassin uses stealth and timing to eliminate his foes. This stance requires the use of a one-handed weapon.”

Secondary Stances:
Hardened Killer, Frenzy, Defense