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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 11 – Skinchanger Skill Tree

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 11 – Skinchanger Skill Tree

Type: Attack
“Command your dog to attack the targeted enemy.”

Attack Tree:
Requires: Attack
Type: Immobilize, Interrupt
“Command your dog to bite a foe's leg.”
Effects: Immobilized 10 s

Remove Shield
Requires: Immobilize
Type: Disarmament, Interrupt
“Order your dog to snatch the shield out of a foe's hand.
Effects: If your opponent has a shield: Disarmed

Requires: Remove Shield
Recovery: 25
Type: Disarmament, Interrupt Attack
“Command your dog to bite a foe's hand in order to disarm them.”
Effects: If your opponent is in counter-attack: Disarmed

Sharp Fangs
Requires: Disarm
Type: Passive
“Your dog's attack are more deadly.”
Effects: The abilities “Throat Lunge”, “Remove Shield” and “Disarm” now cause Bleeding (8s)

Cave Canem
Requires: Remove Shield
Type: Passive
“You have greater control when skinchanging and can rip targets' throats out quicker.”
Effects: During Skinchanger mode: Kill speed +20%

Fighting Dog
Requires: Cave Canem
Type: Passive
“Your dog has benefited from intensive attack training.”
Effects: Damage +30%

Requires: Remove Shield
Recovery: 32
Type: Interrupt
“Order your dog to jump on a few and knock them to the ground.”
Effects: Knockdown (3s)

Throat Lunge
Requires: Take Down
Recovery: 35
Type: Interrupt, Damage
“Command your dog to leap at a foe's throat. Only a shield can repel this attack.”
Effects: If your opponent doesn't have a shield: Damage x4

Boost Tree:
Requires: Attack
Type: Passive
“Your dog now succumbs to fatigue more slowly.”
Effects: Speed of command recharge +10%

Requires: Energy
Recovery: 13
Type: Support
“Command your dog to let out a monstrous bark, which will awaken the animal spirit in you and all allies.”
Effects: For you, teammates and allies: Energy recovery changes to 3% for 9 seconds

Requires: Wild
Recovery: 26
Type: Support
“Command your dog to terrorize a foe and prevent him from using his abilities.”
Effects: Scared (8s)

Requires: Intimidation
Type: Passive
“Your dog's bark is deeper and more threatening.”
Effects: Durartion +3s for Wild and Intimidation.

Requires: Energy
Type: Passive
“Your dog has become more effective in battle as a result of the combat experience he's gained.
Effects: When the dog kills an opponent, it's abilities are instantly recharged.

Requires: Harassment
Type: Passive
“Your dog can now withstand more hits in combat.”
Effects: Health +20%

Requires: Toughness
Type: Passive
“Your dog has become better at dodging attacks.
Effects: Deflection +10%