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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 23 – Mors – Between a Hunter and His Prey, Part 2

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 23 – Mors – Between a Hunter and His Prey, Part 2

Objective: Track down Poddy

Head toward the man on the opposite side of the bridge as you for another tutorial. He is not the friendly sort either.

Tutorial: Skinchanger: Mood
“You can detect the moods of people around you: Hostile enemies can be identified by a ring of detection around them and can't be taken by surprise. Calm enemies have an arc of detection and can be killed.”

You cannot safely approach while as the dog here. Robin, the fellow at the end of the bridge will instantly attack him. This does add a little to the conversation that follows. Still, it is either ask about what the young man is doing there or Poddy.

After that conversation head to the South. Turn to the West when you can to talk with the group there. Talk with the older man there to get the bearings on what Poddy had done. After either choice, you will be directed to follow and lead Cley. Here, you can make another conversation choice but all roads lead to fighting them. Cley will admit to having seen Poddy and they tried to ambush him. He managed to escape before they could though.

The fight is Mors against 6 thieves. Only 2 of them have medium armor on while the rest have no armor. Focus first on the 2 with armor as they will take the longest to go down. Keep an eye out for their abilities as well. They focus on multi-hit attack abilities. Keep the dog's queue open to ensure you always have a counter. After that, just use whatever interrupts that Mors has as well.

After that battle you can talk with the Bandit Cley. You can press him for information about their stash or Poddy. Opt for where the coin is buried for the side quest, “Treasure Hunt.”

Treasure Hunt
This one is very quick and gets you some money for the Night's Watch. Head back North to where the Camp is. Turn East from there and go up the slope in that area. Now, skinchange over to the Dog and investigate the stump that is by the rock ledge. This is will allow Mors to collect the coins there. Now head over to the West. Switch to the dog and look for some bushes nearby some trees. The path to the second treasure cache is hidden by the bushes.

With the coins collected, shift over to the Dog and head to the Southeast. You will pick up Poddy's scent again in that area, passing underneath a log. Continue with it just to the South and turn to the West. You will find Poddy fighting with a woman he has unsavory plans for. He will be focused on the woman. Approach for another tutorial on using your Skinchanger powers.

Tutorial: Skinchanger: Going for an opponent's throat
“Rush towards the enemy then click the 'left mouse button' rapidly to tear out the throat of a single foe.”

Just charge toward Poddy and hit the left-mouse button rapidly. The dog will take care of the rest as you do. Once that deed is done it is time to head back to Castle Black to report to Mormont.