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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 50: The Story

Reaching the part of the cave where Juju and Sharla are, don’t let yourself get distracted by the heart-to-heart sitting there- you can’t access it anytime soon anyways.

Instead, it’s time to talk to Sharla (as Juju will tell you if you talk to him).

Sharla doesn’t offer much of an introduction to her explanation, starting off with the fact that the victory in the Sword Valley battle a year ago left Colony 6 confident in its safety- to the point of overconfidence.  The Defence Force soldiers there apparently didn’t notice that there were any attackers until they were already dropping from the sky overhead en masse.  She briefly refers, with a sense of horror, to the Mechon eating people and burning the buildings of the colony.  She and her younger brother worked together to evacuate as many of the children and the elderly as they could- and unfortunately, she doesn’t really know any more about what happened or could still be happening with Colony 6.

Shulk thinks about this, comparing the attack to the attack on Colony 9- which startles Sharla, who hadn’t known of the Colony 9 attack (which was clearly either simultaneous or consequent to the Colony 6 attack).  Shulk effectively walks past this, though, complimenting her on managing to get so many people to safety.

Sharla defers all the credit for this, though, saying that it is only because of Colonel Otharon and Gadolt she was able to be so successful.  According to her, the most important work was all done by the leader of Colony 6's Defence Force in tandem with Gadolt- her fiancee.  Despite her obvious depression over whatever amount of time she’s been without Gadolt, Sharla attempts to buck up Shulk and Reyn’s spirits, saying tha thope can’t be lost yet.  She is sure that Gadolt and the others are still fighting.

Juju jumps in to insist that Reyn and Shulk can do something about it- and Reyn enthuses that he and his best buddy will take back Colony 6 from the invading Mechon.  Shulk just laughs a bit at that, calling Reyn a showoff over his braggadoccio.  Juju insists that he also wants to go help taking Colony 6 back, but Sharla verbally jumps him over that, insisting that she and her sibling are both needed at the camp.

The boy argues this, insisting that the attack on Colony 9- and especially the fact that it was repulsed- must mean that there are now fewer mechon at Colony 6 than there were before.  His sister stands firm, though, insisting that taking care of the camp and the escapees is more important.  Juju, frustrated, shouts at her (in the manner of many a pubescent boy) that she doesn’t care about anyone left in the colony, and calls her heartless- suggesting that her decision was made entirely out of fear of the Mechon.

Naturally, this is when Shulk gets another Monado Flash.