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Dragon's Dogma Walkthrough Part 9: Strength in Numbers

After you create and hire your pawns, you run into Ser Berne who offers training. Choose to begin training. You'll complete three forms of training in sequence. Each serves to hone a different quality. You'll need more than raw muscle here. If you find a task too difficult to manage, you might reconsider your party. There are other pawns here, you can choose among them, if you care to.

The first task is carrying freight. Haul the lot of them before Ser Berne's count ends. You're free to choose your company, but this is a task too great for just one person. Tell him you are ready.

Strength in Numbers
First Task: Move the Cargo

Wait one or two seconds and see which crates your pawns are running towards. Then, as soon as you've determined which crate remains, run towards it, climb the ladder, grab it and take it to the spot that was marked with a white circle during the cutscene. If both you and your pawn run towards the same crate, you might waste too much time and fail the objective.

Next, is combat training. You'll face Ser Berne's scarecrow army here. Destroy them before the timer ends. A large group will be of help again, but this task requires an eye for party composition. A pack of folk all doing the same thing is less effective than a varied approach. You want a mix of melee and ranged to be able to timely handle all the scarecrows wherever they are located, whether in the rear or in the front.

Second Task: Destroy the Scarecrows

Act fast and destroy all the Scarecrows in this area. Then go back to Ser Berne for the final task. You'll be destroying more scarecrows. There are two sorts of scarecrow, each with its own weakness. One falls only to steel and brute force, the other only to magick. Vary your party and tactics until you find success.

Third Task: Destroy more Scarecrows

Note the color on the shields that the Scarecrows are holding. Bluish/Gray shields mean that the scarecrows are immune to melee attacks, and weak to magick. Red shields mean that the scarecrows have immunity to magick, but are vulnerable to melee attacks. If your main character is a warrior or strider, attack a scarecrow that's holding a red shield and let your mage pawn kill the others. If you are a mage yourself, focus on those scarecrows that are wielding the blue/grey shields and let the fighter and strider pawns deal with the red scarecrows.

This training session's goal was to show you the importance of choosing the right party. If your strategies seem toothless against your foes, try changing your party makeup, enabled skills, and equipment.

This completes the quest, Strength in Numbers.

Defeating foes and completing quests earns you more discipline, boosting your prowess in a vocation.

Ecbal, located in the Command Headquarters of the encampment, provides many different support functions to adventurers. Speak with him to rest and heal your wounds, learn and enable useful weapon skills, or store excess items.