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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 67 – Mors – Promise, Part 4

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 66 – Mors – Promise, Part 4

Welcome to the torture chamber. This is all about giving the guards just enough information to keep them interested but not enough to give them what they want. If you only tell the truth then they will kill you in the end. It is better to give some truth but to lie whenever you can.

Permanent Injuries
These injuries will be reflected on Mors for the rest of the adventure. Which ones you receive depends entirely on how many times you get them to badly injure you.
First time: A Broken Nose
Second Time: Torso Scarring
Third Time: Burns on your back

Day One:
Question 1: Who are you?
This is a test. There's no point lying – To the next question
He can go and do himself - Beating

Question 2: Who's the girl with you?
Another test, lying won't make a difference – To the next question
He'll get nothing out of me … - Beating

Question 3:
Better tell them the truth (only if Mors answered truthfully previously) – Finish
Does he honestly believe I can answer that? – Bad Injury
To hell with all these questions – Bad injury
Let's not speak of Jeyne, let's discuss recruitment – Bad Injury
Make them believe that I'm here for them – Lie attempt

After this, Mors and the prisoner nearby will give you some advice.

Day 2
Question 1: Did he know of our Brotherhood
What Brotherhood? I don't understand – Next question
It is better to tell the truth, I know nothing of it – End of the questions
He can go and do himself - Beating
Let's keep playing him along – Lie attempt, to Question 2

Question 2: Are there more? Does that mean he knew of the Brotherhood's plans?
Let us make him believe that all of Westeros knows – Repeat of the question
Better leave him in doubt – Repeat of the question
To hell with his questions - Beating

Question 3: What did Jon Arryn know about our Brotherhood
Let's make him believe they've been found out – Lie attempt
To hell with his questions – Permanent Injury

Day 3 – Harlton
Question 1: How do you know Jon Arryn
I'll have to talk if I want to live – Death (if you have told the truth)
I could be working for the Hen – Lie Attempt, to next question
I have the perfect answer for him – Permanent Injury, end of questions

Question 2: Is that so? In that case, I imagine you know the real name of the famous Mother Hen?
Godric Donnerly – Next Question
Gorold Sunderly – Beating, next question
Gerald Manderly – Beating, next question
Gerald of Rivia – Beating, next question

Question 3: Who are they?
I need more time – End of the questioning
Let's accuse the Lannisters – Permanent injury
He can go and do himself – Permanent injury

If you successfully pulled off a lie during that sequence, you will now receive the trait, “Fast Talker.” This grants Intelligence +1.