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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 68 – Mors – Promise, Part 5

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 68 – Mors – Promise, Part 5

Time to start moving around as the Hound. Stealth is paramount as you cannot return to Mors if they catch the Hound. This means moving a little more slowly and saving a little more often.

Cautions aside, time to work on getting out of there. Wait for the pair of gurds in front of you to walk away. Turn to the North and look for the hole in the wall that Hound can slip though. Now head over to the East and just keep going that way until the corridor turns to the North (going South does not end well). Follow it until the path turns East again. There is a guard standing with his back to you at the door you need to go through. Sneak up on him and rip his throat out.

Some guards will take notice of something. Head forward into the next corridor and turn to the South here. Dash down and take the first left turn you can. Immediately move to the near center of the wall. There is a busted grate that the Hound can slip through. Head into the next room and take care of the guard that is standing around in there. Contiue to the South after you have savaged the guard and turn to the East.

There are guards patrolling the next corridor. This means you need a hiding place. If they are crossing before the Hound can make it out into the corridor, just retreat to the back of the room he is in. If it is later, look for an open cell and duck into the back of it.

There is a Blue scent heading in the Southwest corner in the corridor you started ducking around in. Mark it so you can claim it as Mors later. Now head back to the North and head into the second cell on the right. Go through the hole in the back and into the following cell. Head East out of the cell and turn to the South. You will see a guard talking with a prisoner. Move on up and go for the throat! Duck back  into the room the Hound was just in. The other guard will come to investigate the noise. Slip around behind him and kill him as well. Head into the cell just next to the one with the prisoner. There is a hole in the back of it. Go on through it.

Head South and turn to the West after the Hound passes the cell Mors is in. In front of you as you pass through the hole is a set up similar to the one you just encountered. Just charge and rip the throat out of the man in front of you. This will let the prisoner loose. Harys and Guts appear and burn out one of Mors' eyes with a brand. That concludes the chapter.