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Inversion Walkthrough Part 7 – Road Home, Part 1

Inversion Walkthrough Part 7 – Road Home, Part 1

When Leo and Davis make it in to Vanguard City, it is apparent the city is close to being demolished. Even Leo who ran the streets with a gang can barely tell where they are. Davis beacons Leo forward toward home.

Start moving forward and onto the slab of concrete that is sticking out from the ground. Head to the end of it and drop off from there. Move forward and then wait out the quick tremor that trips up Davis and Leo. Neither of them understand what could be causing the tremors. Just head over to the right and up the slope. There is something that looks like a drop pod in front of them. They are puzzled by it as the Lutadores do not seem to be the most tech-savvy people around. Just head around it and keep moving forward. A cutscene runs where you can actually hear two of them talking.

They seem to be talking about a tunnel being built. One does tease the other some about being afraid of an attack here. Either Leo or Davis makes some noise so the pair start to move toward the protagonists. They turn and open fire on the duo.

From cover, duck out quickly and deal with the pair. The two are encouraged from the guard's presence. This can only mean there is still a resistance going on. Head forward and over to the right. Approach the gate there and open it up. Head into the room to your left to collect some ammo. After that, head down the stairs to the landing below. From there, get to the playground.

On the other side of the fence you will see 2 men scavenging something. They simply run when Leo and Davis approach though. Turn to the left and head over to the angled slope on the left side of the playground. Use the Gravlink to clear it off and head on up it. It will lift the entire platform through so head to the part of it still linked to the ground. Head on up to the left.

At the top, collect the Charge Pack for the gravlink then turn to the right. A Lutadore will come charging out of the door there. Use previously prompted buttons to create a shockwave that will simply take him out. Now head into the room he came from and turn to the right. Interact with the doors to get through to the next room. You break into the building and immediately you are under attack from 8 Lutadores. They come in a fairly consistent stream where they replace each other after another one has gotten gunned down.

Head out of the building and onto the street for another cutscene. One of the Lutadores shows he has something resembling brains but still crap aim. He pulls out a Sniper rifle and opens fire on the pair. The two take cover immediately. The action resumes with Davis and Leo in cover and the Sniper on the sign in front of them. The best shot here is to wait for him to be reloading and move in closer. Or poke out from cover and fire off a few quick shots at him. Just duck in and out of cover getting controlled burst of fire off at him. He will go down quickly enough. Turn to the right and take out the Lutadore on the rope bridge above. After him, head under the freeway sign and over to the right. Take the stairs up and use the second set to get onto the sign itself.