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Inversion Walkthrough Part 8 – Road Home, Part 2

Inversion Walkthrough Part 8 – Road Home, Part 2

Cross over the highway sign to the right. As you cross over the sign, switch to whichever of the guns you like the least. You can now swap it out for a Sniper Rifle if so desired. Head across the sign and up the stairs to the right. Just keep following the slope up after that. At the top another cutscene runs where the duo drop into cover. There are some Lutadores below talking a tunnel, reaction gas and their leader wanting them to hurry? Subtitles really help one understand what they are saying. Head over to the right and go onto the walled path to the right. Take cover behind it. Leo will start shooting at the Lutadores below. Give aid from Davis' position to take them out easily in the cross-fire.

There are 3 on the ground. Once they are taken out more will appear. There is one on the building across from Davis and one just to the left of the other on a bridge. Listen to the Davis as he calls out seeing Snipers but it is just one more on the roofs opposite him. Take out that Lutadore and head down to the clearing below.

Once there the pair will be attacked with at least a trio of Lutadores. Gun them down and force them from cover using the Gravlink. That will clear out all the Lutadores in the area. Now head up the slope in front of Davis to move on.

Head over to the left and to the grate door there. Call Leo over so he can get it raised up and Davis can slip under. Davis will hold it up so Leo can get through afterwards. Head up and to the left if you need some more ammo but otherwise, go to the slope on the right and follow Leo up the stairs.

The two notice more Lutadores as they make their way forward into the next building. Leo will slip forward to deal with the one in front of them. Dash from the doorway to the next one in cover. When Davis and Leo engage the next set of Lutadores in combat, there will be 4 of them. 3 on the ground and one in the above, opposite where Leo is taking cover.

With them dead, cross through the area in front of them. Head into the building opposite where Leo and Davis were just taking cover. Once inside go a little a deeper and then to the right. Head through the next hole in the wall to the balcony beyond it. On the ground, by the table is an expansion pack for the Gravlink. There is a radio that triggers when Davis approaches so ignore it unless he is standing right by it. Grab expansion pack then head to the left into the plaza there.

A Drillship, a Terraformer, will burst through the ground and let loose a number of Lutadores. Davis and Leo immediately want to destroy the Terraformer so switch to grenades and aim one right into the middle of the drill. Chuck it and take cover. After that, deal with any surviving Lutadores as quickly as as possible. After the fight, head into the building that had its corner destroyed.