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Ghost Recon Future Soldier Walkthrough Part 20: Firefly Rain Part 2

After you cross through the sliding door, you will enter a maintenance tunnel. Flip your night vision goggles back on, as it will be very dark in the tunnel. Follow the linear path ahead until the tunnel morphs into an airshaft of sorts. You will currently be sneaking beneath the airfield. You will soon come across two large fans. They will be rotating too quickly for you to pass through unharmed, so you will need to deploy a Drone and use the EMP shockwave technique that you used earlier when chasing the arms dealer. Let fly another Drone and pilot it up to the ledge above. Transform the Drone into its Crawler mode and drive it through the tunnel to the right. You will find a control panel at the end of the tunnel. Drive the Crawler right up to it and let an EMP blast loose to deactivate the fans.

Send the Drone flying again and pilot it through the deactivated fan and around the corner to the left. Land on the other ledge and enter Crawler mode again. Pilot the RC car down the small tunnel to find a second control panel. Disable it just the same way you did the other one. Now you are free to walk down the hall without fear of being chopped up by the quickly spinning fans. Head into the adjoining airshaft on the opposite side to find an ammo crate and a ladder. Resupply and head up the ladder.

You will emerge on the runway. Tick your night vision goggles on again and scan the area as you follow your squad across the runway. Take cover behind one of the exhaust emission systems and survey the situation by deploying a Drone. You will find a total of seven enemies ahead. Start your task with the lone enemy on the left-hand rooftop. After taking him out, wait for the two enemies all the way to the right to go off by themselves. Once they are tucked away behind two trailers, mark them and execute them. Mark all four of the remaining enemies and take them out using a sync shot.

Once the team of seven has been dealt with, stay crouched and follow your team to the next group of enemies. Stay low and seek out cover behind one of the metal crates ahead. Toss out the Drone and identify the enemies. Just as before, there will be seven enemies patrolling ahead. Again, mark the lone enemy on the scaffolding. Now wait for the two patrolling enemies to break off from the rest of the group and start to wander towards the scaffolding. Mark them as well and order your team to take out all three enemies at the same time. Mark the other four and again take all of them out with one decisive shot. Keep crouched and move up between the two planes towards the next waypoint. This will mark another area full of its own unique enemies and patrols. You will have to shoot your way through here, too, and there will be more enemies in this area than the past sections.

Keep yourself and your squad behind cover and take stock of the situation in front of you. Two enemies will be on scaffolding up to the right. They should be your first targets. Take them out silently and survey the rest of the area ahead. Now that you have taken out the enemy on the scaffolding, it is actually possible to sneak through the rest of the area undetected. The enemies on the scaffolding will have kept your squad from advancing to the waypoint with you if you had decided to proceed stealthily (it’s unclear if this is just a glitch or what, exactly, causes it to happen) so feel free to go prone and sneak if that’s more your style. Otherwise, wait for enemies to break off into small groups, usually of two, and mark and execute them as soon as they get out of range of their allies. You should have the tarmac cleared in no time, at which point you can proceed towards your waypoint and the next checkpoint in the level.