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Ghost Recon Future Soldier Walkthrough Part 21: Firefly Rain Part 3

Your waypoint marker will lead you into a hangar in the back of the airport. Advance towards the waypoint and, once all of the enemies are either dead or avoided, regroup with your team. They will open a blast door up and enter into a corridor ahead with you. You will again find yourself in a ventilation shaft with fans blocking the path ahead. You know what to do here. Deploy your Drone and fly it through the small opening above the fans and land it on the waypoint marker. Transform into the Cralwer and pilot it to the transformer box next to the waypoint. Use the sonic pulse to knock out the fans and recall the Drone. Proceed safely ahead. As you do, HQ will radio you and report that the missile guidance system has already been loaded onto a cargo plane. If you don’t hurry, the guidance system will make its way into enemy hands and you will be too late.

Pass through the blast door and activate your Optical Camo by crouching low to the ground. Follow your team up the stairs to enter the brightly lit hangar. Take cover along the upper catwalk’s wall, looking out over the hangar below. You will need to adapt the plan in order to sabotage the plane’s takeoff. Luckily, you have your Drone. You will need to get a bomb onto the plane’s wing and detonate it as it takes off. You will have two and a half minutes to do this before the plane leaves. Toss your Drone into the air and fly after the cargo plane as quickly as you can; the plane will begin to taxi towards the runway even as you speak with HQ, so speed is of the essence in this part of the mission. Fly towards your waypoint, which will be situated on the right wing of the plane. Land on the wing and your objective will be complete.

Your objective has been completed, so you no longer need to worry about being caught by the guards in the airfield. Eight enemies in total will patrol the floor below you, and you will need to cut through them all in order to reach your escape. Mark four of them to begin with, and take the shot. With half of the enemies dead, use your height advantage and the brief moment of slow-motion that follows a successful sync-shot to kill the rest of the enemies on the floor. Proceed to the left and down the stairs to the floor below. As you reach the ground floor, take cover behind one of the groups of crates and other baggage ahead. Another, larger wave of enemies will rush out from the left side of the hangar. Toss out a Sensor grenade or two in order to light up the enemy positions. Mark enemies for your allies to kill, and watch out for the enemies with shotguns attempting to flank you. Clear them out as soon as you can, as they can do insurmountable damage up close.

Soon after the enemies with the shotguns are dealt with, enemies with riot shields will begin to emerge from the left. Move forward and to the left, towards your waypoint. Even as the enemies with riot shields advance, another enemy up on the catwalk to the left will open up on your squad with a light machine gun. Mark him for death from your squad and stay behind cover. Quickly switch to your Incendiary grenades now. Order your squad to focus their fire on the enemies with the shields. This will draw them away from you just enough for you to plop an Incendiary grenade right in the middle of the lot of them. Burn them and advance forward towards your waypoint.

An unmanned LAV will meet you outside of the hangar. Climb into the gunner’s seat and get ready for an action-packed escape from the hangar. You will quickly come under attack by footsoldiers and a light vehicle. Take out the vehicle before destroying the soldiers on the ground. As you cross the runway, you will see the plane take off from the runway. Two more vehicles will also try to attack you as this happens. Quickly destroy both of the vehicles and look to the skies to see the explosive results of your efforts. As the plane comes crashing down, turn your eyes back to the ground to see more vehicles and footsoldiers trying to thwart your escape. Kill them all with your light machine gun.

As you leave the runway and begin to flee through the forest, the enemy traffic and bumpy terrain will prove too much for your unmanned vehicle. It will crash in a crater, leaving you to scurry to the extraction point just a few meters ahead on your own. Climb out of the vehicle and sprint into the flaming wreckage of the plane that dots the forest. An ammo crate sits nearby; if you are fast enough, you can resupply before getting shot by incoming enemies. Once you have resupplied, toss a Sensor grenade out towards the catwalk ahead. This will illuminate two snipers. Kill both of them and proceed to the double doors marked by your waypoint marker. Regroup with your squad, loot the ammo crate, and proceed ahead into the drainage system.

Flick your night vision goggles on yet again and run through the tunnel. Don’t worry about facing any enemies inside of the tunnel, as they won’t find you here. Climb the ladder at the end of the tunnel to emerge back out into the night. You will be very close to the extraction point now, but you’ll have to fight to secure it. Toss out a Sensor grenade and rush into cover near the ammo crate. Enemies will be taking cover behind come pretty solid concrete barriers. Don’t even bother trying to puncture them with standard ammunition. Either lob Incendiary grenades over their cover or wait for them to poke their heads out for headshots. Issues focus fire orders on any enemies who give you too much trouble to handle on your own.

As you take out the forward group of enemies, reinforcements will arrive from the right. Shift around your cover point to avoid getting flanked. Follow your teammates to a new safe location. Toss out a Sensor grenade or two in order to light up the enemies as they approach you. It seems as if you are holding the area alright until a tank bursts in on the action. Stay behind cover at all costs now. One false move, and that tank will put an end to you. Just survive for a few more seconds until HQ radios in that they have set up an airstrike for you. Hit the action button to jump into the viewpoint of the missile. Pilot it right into the tank using the right stick. As the area goes up in flames, proceed to the waypoint to escape the area and finish the mission.