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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 64: Raguel Bridge

On reaching the South end of the bridge, it’s time for more plot!

As the trio approaches the bridge, Reyn points out the crashed buggy- because for some reason Sharla and Shulk are blind.  Maybe it’s the ‘Sh’ at the beginning of a name, I don’t know.  Whatever way it is, the group heads over to the buggy and inspects it.  Shulk reaches out to touch the machine-

Monado Flash!- Shulk sees a set of rocky spires with a spiraling ramp in the midst of them.  Juju is there as well, with some kind of shotgun or something.  He’s looking around warily as he approaches the ramp.  Abruptly, some kind of mechanical tentacle erupts from the ground behind him, bearing a flower-like tripartate pincer on the end, which snatches him up before he has time to do anything but be confused.

Shulk calls out Juju’s name, but the vision is over and all he’s managed to do is get the attention of the others.  Sharla asks if Juju is okay, but Shulk just mumbles something noncommittal.  The purple-haired woman presses Shulk to answer her, prompting him to say that a Mechon has taken Juju.  Sharla is stunned that Shulk has asserted this, but Reyn asks when.  His blond friend says he isn’t sure, but doesn’t believe there’s much time to save the boy.

Taking a few moments to gather her wits, Sharla asks Shulk if this happened in a valley.  Shulk confirms her suspicion, and Sharla says there’s one on the way to Colony 6- and that she’s sure that that is the route that Juju is going to use.  Reyn asks if she’s sure- if perhaps there are other valleys nearby and maybe Juju used one of those.

The medic shrugs, not completely sure- but there aren’t any others that she knows of.  Deciding to not waste any further time pontificating, the group moves out.

Raguel Bridge itself is pretty much empty.  Some collection items will appear here, but other than that there’s nothing.  If you’re so inclined, you can jump off the bridge onto the platforms over Lake Raguel or into the lake itself, but there’s really not much reason to if you’ve already gone after the Lake Drop and the island’s rare White Eduardo creature.

Once you reach the far side of the bridge, there’s a raised area with some more Mechon near it- the same kind as on the South end of the lake- and also a Heart-to-Heart that you can’t access yet.

Now that you’ve crossed the bridge you may as well head onwards, since there’s really nothing you can do now that you couldn’t before- the next event flag isn’t all that far away and it doesn’t even care if you’re actually on the road or not.