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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 65: As I Walk Through the Valley

On approaching the distinct area- a large cave-like region with terrain above and a series of pillars linking that to the ground, as well as a massive round stone ramp in the middle of said pillars- or on going far enough along the road which is the only other option for heading East, it’s time for another event.

As the three move on, Reyn stops, looking at the stony area and asks if this is the place.  Sharla confirms- the road leads eventually to Colony 6.  Shulk points out that Juju isn’t anywhere to be seen- according to his vision, Juju should be somewhere nearby.  Sharla is certain he would have gone this way, though, and is worried that something may have already happened to him.  Reyn points out the overhead stone, which has many large holes through it, and asks if Juju might have gone that way.

Sharla disagrees, saying it’s not safe and she’s fairly sure Juju wouldn’t willingly leave the beaten path.  Shulk suggests searching further along the road.

From here, you basically have three options for how to proceed.  If you follow the path, you can reach the upper level of the Bionis’ Leg, which has many interesting things on it.  If you head through the cave area (a slow process) you can see some pretty sights, gather some Ether crystals, and come up in a different part of the upper level.  Or, you can climb the obvious stone ramp and go straight to the next story event when you reach the upper level.

As an experienced RPG player, I’d recommend what most of those who have played a lot of RPG video games (especially JRPGs) learn to do- explore everything possible before provoking the next event.  You never know what you’ll miss, and you’ll get into fights that will earn you experience, skills, arts, and gear that can make anything attached to the event easier to do.  If you’ve been following everything up to this point, of course, your level is probably high enough and your gear good enough that you don’t have anything to worry about really, but still this sort of thoroughness can pay off.

Either way, you’re going to head to the upper level- it’s just a matter of time before you go trigger the event anyways.  Make sure you’re prepared when you do- the event is going to involve a series of three fights- two easy and one rather difficult- none of which you are going to get significant breaks in-between.

You may also want to hop back to Colony 9 briefly- now that you’ve got access to the Leg, there’s another request you may have completed before you even get it.

Quest!- Giorgio, now working less/under more stress, has found that his curry is slipping a bit.  Bring him 5 Piranhax Roe from the Bionis’ Leg to help him keep up his income.
Reward: 3500g, 250xp, Quark Gauntlets