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Inversion Walkthrough Part 31 – Deja Vanguard, Part 1

Inversion Walkthrough Part 31 – Deja Vanguard, Part 1

The two arrive safely on the barge they stole. They notice all the children and assume that they have to be getting close to their goal. There cannot be much more before something major happens again. The two get off the barge and Leo asks Davis to lead the way. Head forward a little and collect the Lava Spewer off to the left. Switch it out for either rifle of the shotgun. It will be very handy very soon.

The nearby slaves will notice your team and start charging them. The best way to deal with the sheer number of them is to pull out the Lava Spewer, put up your High Gravity Shield then just unload the Lava Spewer on the Slaves and the few Lutadore Brawlers. Take a moment after the conflict to run around and collect more ammo to replenish what Davis can. With all those Slaves dead, head up the slope and over the hill to the next part of the area.

Up here, Leo will call out that the Heavy Forces are on their way. Aside from the barge opening fire on you from the river of lava you have 4 Lutadores on the same level as you. Focus on the Lutadores and get into cover. Either gun them down or use High Gravity for some quick kills. There are 3 more that will drop into the brawl from the back-right portion of this area. Once they are all gone head around the corner and approach the barbed wire gate. Working together Davis and Leo will kick it down.

Or they will try. As soon as you go to open the gate there is a Suicide Slave that comes charging. Just fall back and let him explode on the gate. Behind him is the real threat: 2 Lutadore Brawlers. Use a High Gravity blast on them to quickly floor them and finish them off.

Head around the next corner carefully as there is a Lutadore with a clean line of sight to you. Either gun hm down or just quicky use a Gravity Attack for a finisher. Now turn your attention over to the right. There are 3 Lutadore Heavies there attacking you. Again, either gun them down quickly or use Gravity Finishers.

Once they are all dead, you should head over to the left. Still, take a moment to head over to where the Lutadore women were. Look across the thin lava river. There you will notice a Gravlink enhancement sitting down below. Poke around the same side to find more ammo for your weapons as well. Now head over to the drop point on the ledge.

The Brute
Time for another round with a different Brute. At least there is plenty of Lava around to use on this fellow. Plus, if you have some ammo left in the Lava Spewer, you are fighting on, loosely, the same terms. Then again, the Brute is encased in a lot of Heavy Armor … Also, this one is fighting with a mini-gun on a section of bridge. Just keep in cover except when Leo draws fire. Use that time to either throw globs of Lava on the Brute or unleash a jet of flame from the Lava Spewer.

When Davis has drained a third of the Brute's health the next section of bridge will lower. The Brute is invulnerable during this time. Immediately turn your focus to keeping alive and in good cover. He will be taken up to the next level. While this is happening, Leo and Davis are attacked by a number of Lutadores.

Once the first wave is down, then it is time to focus on the Brute again. He will appear on the top level and send a missile barrage toward your cover spot. Get away immediately. Now, use the Low Gravity Burst to create a Lava Glob and throw it up into the overhang where the backup Lutadores are attacking you. That glob of lava will ignite the entire floor and kill all of the backup on one side. Look to the right of where all the support was and you will find the Brute. Either fling globs of Lava at him or use the Lava Spewer.

Once you drain another third of his health, then it is time for him to change position again. He remains immune to damage while doing these moves. He will head back to the elevator he used to ascend and come back down. Just fire on him once his life bar is red again. It will not be very long before he bites it in one large explosion.