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Inversion Walkthrough Part 32 – Deja Vanguard, Part 2

Inversion Walkthrough Part 32 – Deja Vanguard, Part 2

Head forward and to the left. As you approach the doorway into the third room, a Suicide Slave will come charging at you. This is followed quickly by a second Suidice Slave then a Normal one with a Lutadore Brawler. Deal with all of them then head into the room that they all came from.

Head around the corner in the back of the room. Just as you pass the shot out window, 2 Slaves will come at you. One of them has a bomb on them. Immediately blast him away. Now turn your attention tot he opposite part of the room. Here you can collect more ammo for your weapons. Now head for the room where the Slaves came from and head over to the right. Use the grating there to get on through to the next area.

Head out and over to the right, dropping down from the next ledge into a Zero-G area. Jump forward into it as Leo and Davis talk about the familiarity of the area. After the second landing, start turning to the left to find the path forward. Just keep up this bend to the left. Once you start between the buildings, things go from easy to interesting. A number of Lurkers, which include Suicide ones, will attack. Plow through them and head straight forward to exit the Zero-G area.

Head up the slope and get into cover. At the top, 4 Lutadores will assault you. Take them out and you will be charged by 2 Suicide Slaves and another Lutadore. Kill them off then press on forward. Be sure to use a Low Gravity Burst on the platform to the left. You can collect a Sniper Rifle from there which is very handy in the coming combat.

Jump the gap and into into cover. You will find a Sniper Rifle and more ammo for your energy weapons. From your cover, quickly take out the pair of Lutadores opposite you that are ducking in and out of cover. After that, look up and a little to the left. This Lutadore likes to use an RPG. Pop them quickly to avoid getting blown up. Look more to the left after that. You will be under assault from more Lutadores in a Zero-G area. This initial wave only has 2 but one loves grenades and the other is a Sniper. There is a second Sniper to the right of where the first Lutadores came from. Take him out quickly to avoid a quick and grisly death.

Head on forward once the way is cleared of Lutadores. Jump the next couple of gaps. After that is right into the next Zero-G area.

Head on forward to the first chuck of floating debris. After only a few hops, you are under assault again by the Lutadores. Take cover or hop over a few blocks to get some space from Leo. Head over to the right and push upwards to get plenty of cover and get a good cross fire going. Just a little effort is needed to plow through the rest of them. After that, just head as high as you can in the Zero-G area and then make your way over to the left. As Davis and Leo close on the next building they are attacked by a few more Lutadores. Unfortunately one of them has a Launcher so take him out as soon as as you can. After that, they can safely make it into the building and exit the Zero-G area.

Having touched down again, go forward and to the right, through the doorway. Go forward until you notice the elevator coming up. After that you want to dash back to the doorway you passed through and get into cover. When the elevator arrives on the floor Davis is on, a Behemoth will lumber off and open fire on you. This one simply stands in place and fires their mini-gun. From cover you can use a Low Gravity Burst to grab and throw rocks at him to expose his vulnerable back. After the Behemoth is dealt with, head for the elevator that he came up on.

A cutscene runs when you enter the elevator. They find all the children. The problem is Davis lets down his guard rushing off to try and find his Lelia