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Lollipop Chainsaw Walkthrough: What Happened At San Romero High Part 1

This stage will begin with a blurry cutscene from the perspective of the newly body-less Nick. As Juliet will explain, she was forced to perform a magical ritual on Nick’s head in order to keep him from becoming a zombie. This will prompt the admission that Juliet is, in fact, a professional and highly-trained zombie hunter. You will then be thrust into gameplay in the infected school. You will have to kill five of the basic zombie enemies in order to clear this first room. Hit them with lighter attacks from your pom-poms before finishing the job with your chainsaw. When all five of the zombies are dead, a sixth will burst in from the door to the left.

Kill the final zombie and head out into the hallway. Note that you can smash the lockers in the school for extra coins. There will be plenty of chances to smash different lockers, so always keep your eyes to the wall and take them down with your chainsaw to lay claim to tons and tons of coins. After you’re finished with the lockers on the left-hand wall, proceed down the hallway and grab the lollipop to the left. Lollipop in hand, smash through the door to the left with the large arrow over it. This will take you into another classroom. A short cutscene will show that the faculty has also been zombified. Kill the four enemies guarding Mr. Fitzgibbon, smashing up the chairs and tables for a few extra coins in the process. After the first four enemies are dead (again,) a more formidable eight enemies will charge in from the door to the upper right. Finish these enemies off and Mr. Fitzgibbon will make an escape through the window.

Head through the door to the top right and loot the trash cans and lockers for coins. When you walk around a corner, a cutscene will play and you will have to save several students from eleven zombies. Sprint from one civilian to the next, battering the zombies away from them. If you have already played through the game and have some Nick tokens, now would be a good time to use Nick Toss, as it will clear out the hallway in a snap. Otherwise, you will have to hope that you can reach each of the students in peril and draw the zombies away from them. Try activating your Special to wipe each zombie out with one hit. Run into the classroom to the right when you’re done.

You will find another classmate in danger in this classroom. Save him from the two zombies, loot the trash cans for coins, and proceed back out into the hallway and into the next door on the right. You will have to kill five more zombies in this room, along with Mr. Fitzgibbon, who will be making a return appearance armed with a cabinet. Kill the smaller zombies first, and then lock on to Mr. Fitzgibbon. Make frequent use of your dodge during this encounter to avoid getting hit, even when there are multiple enemies attacking from multiple sides. While in mid-air, hit the attack button to come flying down on the enemies and take them out one by one until just you and the teacher remain. As a stronger named variety of zombie, Mr. Fitzgibbon will require quite a bit more work to take down than a normal enemy. He won’t attack too often, though, as the cabinet that he wields is kind of heavy and it takes him a while to wind up a swing. Feel free to wail away on him with your chainsaw until you see him winding up. When he reaches the top of his swing, dodge jump over him to land behind his back and keep sawing at him. You should be able to take him down in no time.

Once Mr. Fitzgibbon is dead, the path ahead will open for you. Smash up any tables in the area and proceed back into the hall for an explosive surprise. The exploding wall heralds the arrival of exploding zombies. Head back out into the hall, smash the lockers to the right, and grab the lollipop at the end of the hall before jumping down to the lower level. You will find two police officers who will quickly be overwhelmed by the zombie hoards. A schoolbus will then crash through the wall and kill them all. Turn around and head to the back of the hall. Chop through the pillar blocking your path. You will find a glowing blue zombie and a propane tank. Juliet will explain that she can attach Nick’s head to a headless zombie body. This will primarily be used as a way to clear a path ahead when there are no other ways to proceed. Hit the button prompt to stick Nick’s head on the body, and get your fingers ready for a rhythm minigame. Each time you plop Nick’s head down on a headless body like this (and there will be many such times) you will have to watch for onscreen prompts and press the corresponding face buttons in order to fuel the spell and make Nick walk to his destination. If you miss too many prompts, you will have to start over again. Luckily, this trip is relatively short. Nick will walk up to the wall and blow it up using the propane tank.

When the wall is cleared, you will jump back into Juliet’s body. Run through the hole in the wall to reach the next area of the level.